Here Are The Women Who Have Accused James Deen Of Sexual Abuse And Assault


After porn actor James Deen was被指控强奸由他的前女友斯托亚(Stoya)于11月28日提出了迪恩(Deen)性侵犯并虐待她们的指控。

迪恩, 29, responded to Stoya's allegations on Twitter, calling them "false and defamatory." He also said, "I respect women and I know and respect limits both professionally and privately."



,也是一个女性博客宣布it would no longer publish Deen's sex advice column.




另一条推文,她说:“詹姆斯·迪恩(James Deen)拒绝了我,当我说不,停下来,用我的Safeword。

迪恩的前女友乔安娜·安吉尔(Joanna Angel)推文her support to Stoya, saying, "I'm here for you."

星期二晚上,斯托亚推文她对其他针对迪恩指控的妇女的支持说:“我相信@ashleyfires。我相信托里·勒克斯(Tori Lux)。我相信T.M.”

Stoya然后在星期三发推文, "I believe @Amber_Raynexxx. I believe @korapeters. I believe @JoannaAngel."


Tori Lux: Nov. 30, 2015

在a statement提供给BuzzFeed新yabo sports闻, Tori Lux, who described herself as a former adult performer, alleged that Deen "ruthlessly attacked and degraded" her while shooting at a "major porn studio" in 2011.


詹姆斯那天没有和我一起表演,但他出席了比赛,几乎在我完成场景后,詹姆斯开始对我进行拮抗。yabo.com当他开始问自己时,我什至没有时间打扮自己,他的脸上笑着说:“托里·勒克斯,你想嗅我的睾丸吗?”“不,”我以中立的语气回答。“我会重复自己 - 托里·勒克斯,你想嗅我的睾丸吗?”他这次更加积极地问。我用坚定的“不”回答,以建立我的边界,詹姆斯随后通过喉咙抓住我并将我推到地板上的床垫上而无视。



She said she came forward with her story to open people's minds to the issues of "stigma and safety within the sex industry."


自2002年以来的色情演员大火(Fires)声称,迪恩(Deen每日野兽first reported.

一个采访with BuzzFeed News, Fires alleged that Deen came up behind her while she was still naked, and pushed her into the sink, bending her over.




一个以她的名字缩写确定的女人。TM值。,告诉laistthat Deen sexually assaulted her at a party in a Las Vegas hotel in 2009.

TM值。说她是21岁的成人媒体作家,在威尼斯人的AVN成人娱乐博览会上遇到了Deen。她说,她通过当时的女友乔安娜·安吉尔(Joanna Angel)遇到了迪恩(Deen),她将这位演员描述为“友好,迷人和调情”。

She said she then saw Deen at a party in one of the hotel's suites after she had been drinking with co-workers and friends.

"As soon as I walked [into the party], Deen saw me," T.M. told Laist. "He didn't say anything. He grabbed me in front of the entire party and took me into a side room. I definitely said no, but I was also super scared. There was a crowd of his friends and fans [in the room]. He forced me to [perform oral sex on him] and had sex with me. As soon as he was done, he walked away. I was kind of in shock and I was embarrassed, so I just left, and I didn't tell anyone."

TM值。said she didn't tell anyone about the alleged assault then as she blamed herself and didn't want it to affect her career or her friends' careers.


Amber Rayne: Dec. 2, 2015



雷恩告诉雷恩说:“我们在打桩机,他在屁股上他妈的我,我说的是,'是的,像你那个bit子一样他妈的我。每日野兽。“他的脸扭曲了,他两次跌倒在我的脸上 - 贴上拳头。当他还在我的屁股上时,我被打在脸上,然后他开始疯狂地在我的屁股上发疯 - 极端,残酷地他妈的。他只是开始把东西推到他撕裂的地步,我到处流血。有很多鲜血,我无法完成现场。”

雷恩说,她想起了导演奇科·王(Chico Wang)说:“哦,该死。”

在在线论坛中描述场景时,王后来说,“电影的语气本质上是轻巧而又微风的,但是当一个女孩琥珀·雷恩(Amber Rayne)突然由于后门问题而无法完成她的场景。特殊的地方。她的选择。”




KORA PETERS:2015年12月2日






When Peters said she told her agent what happened, "he said I should feel honored that James wanted me so badly because he was one of the best male performers."

彼得斯告诉每日野兽that she has since avoided working with Deen and came forward with her story to prevent this from happening to others. "It's crazy how I was the one under attack and James got accolades for raping me on set," she said.

詹姆斯·迪恩(James Deen)的代表没有回应BuzzFeed News的评论请求。yabo sports

Joanna Angel: Dec. 2, 2015

Joanna Angel went onThe Jason Ellis Show周三在Sirius XM上描述了她的关系与迪恩(Deen)一起,她的日期从2005年到2011年。




She said their sex became "more painful, and less pleasurable." She described one instance when Deen allegedly dragged her by her hair into the bathroom. He filled the sink with water, and, she said, "He started dunking my head in the water while he was fucking me." She was OK with it at first. But then he allegedly held her underwater and wouldn't let her up even though she was tapping him. "It started to feel like forever," she said. "I thought, I'm going to die here."



Nicki Blue:2015年12月3日

Nicki Blue告诉每日邮件在线that she met Deen when she was 21, at Kink Castle in San Francisco. She said he performed in her first shoot in 2011; she found some of his on-set behavior aggressive, but she said she was too inexperienced to know whether this was the norm. Later, at a party, she said that he initiated some "light fetish play" with her, and she began performing oral sex on him. He soon became so rough with her that she began choking, Blue said, and when she tried to communicate with him, she remembered Deen pushing her head down so she couldn't speak. Blue said he then urinated in her mouth, which upset her, and also made her embarrassed to come forward with her story. She said he then put a "beer bottle up my ass."

蓝告诉每日邮件that she complained about his behavior at Kink in an online forum set up by the company, and her post was deleted. "After that I gave up, I thought 'whatever, nothing is going to happen,'" she said. A representative for the company said they are currently investigating the alleged incident and had not located a record of the forum post Blue mentioned, but that such a post would not have been "dealt with lightly."


Deen的公关人员没有立即回应BuzzFeed News的评论请求。yabo sports

Holly Jee:2015年12月9日

Holly Jee, a former porn actor known as Miss Genocide, told BuzzFeed News that Deen choked her so hard during a scene that she passed out.

Asfirst reportedLaist,吉说,她在2009年20多岁时与迪恩(Deen)约会乔安娜·安吉(Joanna Angel)遇到了她,后者还声称迪恩(Deen)曾经在睡眠中窒息她。

吉说,她正在与天使公司(Angel's Company)燃烧的天使(Angel)一起拍摄她职业生涯的第一个成人场景。她说,迪恩非常参与公司电影的指导和编辑。



她告诉BuzzFeyabo sportsed News,她和Deen正是在包括Angel在内的其他人出去吃食物的人,他们和Deen独自拍摄了POV场景。


Jee said that she "didn't have the courage to speak out in the moment" and stop him. "I was more of a quiet person then and I was in my early 20s in New York City. I was really scared and it was my first attempt at doing this," she said.

Jee said that after she regained consciousness, Deen picked the camera back up and continued shooting.

She alleged that he put the camera down and choked her for "his own sick gain" and it had "nothing to do with the scene."

Jee told theLaist她没有告诉任何人,因为担心在迪恩是“大商品”的行业中被列入黑名单。

她说,她目睹了迪恩对当时的女友乔安娜·安吉尔(Joanna Angel)的虐待和侵略行为。
