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JoJo Siwa And Her Girlfriend Got Caught On The Kiss Cam At A Baseball Pride Event


Aah,yes — the infamous Kiss Cam™! Always nabbing unsuspecting lil' lovebirds on its mighty screen. Its victims this time? None other than JoJo Siwa and her girlfriend, Kylie Prew!!!!!!!

JoJo and Kylie at a baseball game wearing Dodgers jerseys; Kylie's jersey has the team name designed in the colors of the Pride flag

The couple actually broke up last year, but have sincegotten back together(which JoJoannouncedin this adorable Instagram in May)!!!!!!!

JoJo and Kylie were caught lockin’ some lips at a Dodgers game during the stadium’s 9th Annual LGBTQ+ Pride Night, where they were joined by fellow icon Gigi Gorgeous and her partner, Nats Getty.

JoJo, Kylie, Gigi, and Nats pose together on the field at the game

Gigi posteda videoof the moment to her Instagram with the caption: "caught on kiss cam with @itsjojosiwa oopsies."


JoJo and Kylie smiling and looking into each other's eyes

They're actually, like, preciosa.

JoJo and Kylie standing on the field and laughing together

From the bottom of my heart, I'm just so happy for these two. They seem so,SOOOOOOin love!!!!!!!!

WE LOVE TO SEE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kylie kissing JoJo on the cheek while JoJo smiles

Happy Pride Month, ladies. Your love deserves the Jumbotron treatment today and every day.

JoJo and Kylie from behind, where you can see that JoJo is wearing a custom jersey with her last name and Kylie's says "Pride" where the name would normally be

Looking for more ways to get involved? Check out all of BuzzFeed's posts celebratingPride 2022.
