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我的名字叫凯伦(Karen),我厌倦了所有“卡伦”模因 - 我应该合法地更改我的名字吗?


Hello, world. My name's Stephen LaConte, I'm a writer here at BuzzFeed, and my favorite thing in the world (besides my dog) is给人们建议

所以我在vited readers like you给我发消息Instagramand推特(在两个地方@stephenlc)遇到了您最大的问题 - 我在BuzzFeed上求解Em,一次是DM。yabo sports让我们正确地吧。


A screenshot of an Instagram DM from a white woman named Karen who wants to legally change her name, to avoid any associations with "racist, entitled" white women

好吧,凯伦。这是交易:您的名字是你的名字,您可以随心所欲地做任何事情 - 保持它,更改它,成为以前被称为Karen的艺术家。名称是我们身份的深层个人部分,如果您不喜欢您的身份,那么您总是有权选择新的权利。那是您的特权。

但是 - 这是一个but — before you sign on the dotted line here, I think you should take a closer look at the "uncomfortable" feelings you're describing right now, and ask yourself whether there's anything more productive you could do with that discomfort, rather than simply running away from it.

Conversations about race and privilege can indeed be uncomfortable. They're often quite personal, and awkward, and hit close to home. But instead of shutting down those conversations, or deflecting from them by asserting that you're "one of the good ones," I think you need to lean into your discomfort and see what you can actually学习从中。换句话说,让自己被推出舒适区,并进入现实。

这就是现实:您生活在一个种族主义国家。坦白说,你should现在感到不舒服。美国的黑人面临的日常现实远胜于不适 -被警察谋杀,,,,受到医生的虐待,,,,and被建造的刑事司法系统监禁。So if the most terrible thing you've experienced in this unjust world are a few Karen jokes, that is your privilege in action. You write in your DM that you don't want to "deal with this" anymore, but I have to be honest: You're not dealing with much at all.

A Black Lives Matter protest

您的信息中有一定程度的讽刺意味,因为卡伦主义的核心宗旨正在习惯发生的事情你的方式,开你的术语,根据你的规则,即使是对您的现状的丝毫挑战也被视为个人攻击。是否是烧烤发生在公园里or a小女孩在人行道上卖水,卡伦斯在面对甚至超出他们的控制之外的事情时,往往会真正失去理智。现在您就在这里,您正在考虑的一些互联网模因感到困惑在法律上更改您的名字以永恒。I'm not saying you're being a Karen, Karen, but if the nametag fits...

Barbecue Becky who called police on a Black family having a picnic in a park

So, here's my advice for you: Instead of getting rid of a name that's associated with privilege, why not spend your time and energy working to dismantle the privilege itself? Read somebooks on antiracism,捐赠给黑人生活问题和保释资金,为支持反种族主义政策的政客投票,shop from Black-owned businesses,并每天检查您的特权。做所有这些事情将使您成为卡伦(Karen)的少量,而不是简单地从驾驶执照和护照上取下“卡伦”(Karen)的名字。我保证。

艾米·库珀(Amy Cooper

在您走之前的最后一个想法:在DM中,您似乎将“ Karen”绰号视为需要摆脱自己的邪恶诅咒。取而代之的是,也许您可​​以选择将您的新成员名称视为祝福:这是一个内置的,每天提醒您要比所有来到您面前的Karens更好。不要从中奔跑 - 使用它做得更好。我知道你可以。


That's all the advice I'm giving today, folks, but if you've got any words of wisdom for our DMer, share them in the comments! I'll be reading...

