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This Guy Called His Classmate A Racial Slur During A Zoom Meeting — Should He Be Reported?


Hello, friends. My name's Stephen LaConte, I'm a writer here at BuzzFeed, and according to my friends and family, I'm pretty darn good at给建议

So I'veinvited the worldto message me onInstagram推特(在两个地方@stephenlc)遇到了您最大的问题 - 我在BuzzFeed上求解Em,一次是DM。yabo sports让我们正确地吧。

Today, we've got this young woman, whose classmate recently called her a racial slur during a Zoom meeting:

我是so sorry that this happened, and I'm also sorry that none of your classmates intervened to help you. Before I get into my advice, here's a reminder to all BuzzFeed readers to speak up when you see stuff like this happen —尤其if you're white and have the privilege of calling out racism without risking its worst consequences.

在这种情况下捍卫其他人会感到可怕和不舒服,但这仍然很重要。这样的种族主义攻击不受限制,并期望受害者自己修复它是完全不可接受的。其他人需要加紧 - 如果您是房间里的白人,那么有人很有可能you

因此,我现在要为我们的DMER提供建议,但是作为记录,这真的不应该herproblem to solve, and it's a failure of her classmates on that Zoom call that she's navigating this alone.

Having said that, here's what I think you should do, DMer: whatever the heck you're comfortable with.


Let your professor know what happened and if there are any specific actions you want them to take. You mentioned the possibility of being removed from the group, but I think you should ask for the racist guy to be removed instead. He's the one who committed the offense, and your education shouldn't have to take a hit because of his bigotry.

After that, if you'd like to see this guy face more serious consequences, I hope you'll consider escalating the issue to people above your professor. If your school has given you an advisor, that's a good place to start. Or if there's a dean of students, they might be a good resource too.

I don't know what specific actions your school would be willing to take, of course, but it's worth finding out. I doubt this is the first time this guy has thrown racial epithets around, and in the interest of protecting other students of color from future attacks, your school needs to deal with him, immediately and decisively. The good news is there are multiple witnesses who can confirm your report.


And that brings me to my last piece of advice: I hope you can find a way through this with minimal disruption to your education. Experiences like this can be traumatic, and can zap you of time, focus, and energy you need to excel in school. So if there's any additional support you need to feel comfortable in your classroom again — whether it's a few days off, an extension on the project, and/or a guarantee that you'll never have to work with this individual again — you should ask for it. Your professor owes you that much. And more.

Again, I'm so sorry that this happened. I hope your school takes the incident seriously, and that the consequences this person faces are severe. This might be one lesson he learns the hard way. Frankly, I'd love to see it.

That's all the advice I'm giving today, folks, but if you've got any words of wisdom for our DMer, please share them in the comments. I'll be reading.

P.S.您是否有要解决数千个互联网陌生人面前的问题?DM我!我是@StephenLC on Instagram@stephenlc在Twitter上。只要确保首先阅读以下规则即可。在DMS中见!
