  • 病毒徽章



朋友和有影响力的家人已经匿名分享故事关于他们什么真的就像幕后一样 - 我只能说是Yikes。

这一切都始于reddit用户u/超级:“ IRL社交媒体的有影响力者,'这是什么样的?”


1。“当我的朋友开始追求有影响力的人时,我放弃了。我们已经成为朋友了10年。最好的朋友。然后她开始表现怪异。要我拍她的照片,她看起来比她真的更有趣是的。她会买含酒精的饮料,一点点一点点,以便在拿着它的照片,然后把它扔出去,说这是粗暴的,并张贴了照片。我住在旅游城市,所以她会来参观me, but she wasn’t visiting ME. She was visiting my tourist city to get good Instagram shots."




3。“她在五年后没有邀请她参加任何事情,因为她只参加了'进一步生意'的活动。经常说:“我们都在互相使用。”。。。She still reaches out to me multiple times a year and claims I’m one of her best friends, but it sure doesn’t feel like it. I’ve told her as much, but she just says, 'This is my life now, my business comes first and if you can’t accept that, then I guess you’re not a real friend.'"


4。"Worst! I dated a guy who had 45K followers. I think he might’ve had illusions of grandeur. All the photos of him in luxury cars, airports, and fancy places were staged. He found a local alley and told everyone he was in Italy."










10。"Sad. In the beginning, they started because they got offers from brands because they were so popular on Instagram and it was a lot of fun for them. Now they don’t ever post pictures or videos without a filter. Rarely ever like a picture on the first try, and don’t you dare post any pictures of them without approval. Imagine trying to get a group picture with all of your friends for your birthday but having to take almost 100 shots to get one that your influencer friend is happy with."



12。“在YouTube上以英语以外的其他语言在YouTube上有一个朋友。过去,这是关于他们的周末度过的无人机拍摄。这很有趣。然后,逐渐变成了他们的生活(多么有趣 /S)。她有了她的生活。随机打电话/相机,这可能会变得烦人。她怀孕了。宝贝,一切。”


13。“很糟糕。我最好的朋友之一真正地陷入了Instagram,几年来,这是可以忍受的,尽管很烦人和奇怪。away from the moment. But the strange part was how, when she’d share things, the captions always told a slightly different story than what actually happened. Like just off enough for me and my other friends to say, 'Huh, that has a weird quality to it.'"








18。"I have a neighbor who is an influencer. ... She uses her kids, and behind the scenes she's nothing like the happy pictures! She screams at them to smile, and on one occasion said, 'I don’t give a fuck if you don’t like the fucking juice! Just pretend and smile!' It’s all fake and I hate it."


19。“如果您看着她的社交媒体,您会认为她是一位超级名人的百万富翁,经历了大量的旅行。她实际上长期失业,收入不到每年10万美元。足以让他们负担得起一间非常漂亮的三居室公寓,她有很多道具,她每天都有大量的道具,使每个房间看起来都不一样,因此看来她总是在一个新的异国情调的地方。每年进行两次旅行来娱乐热带地点 - 在其中拍摄了许多照片,并全年将它们张贴为不同的地方。”



21。"My ex’s sister is an influencer (beauty/makeup) with over a million followers on YouTube. She was so anxious and stressed all the time. Horribly insecure. If she got some backlash or bad comments, she’d be so upset. Was on a lot of anti-anxiety medication. Meanwhile, all her posts are her looking beautiful and traveling, etc. She didn’t have many friends either (that I saw anyway). Just lots of fans."



23。"My sister has tens of thousands of followers. We used to be best friends in high school and she was my favorite sibling. ... Now I feel like I barely know her. It’s like she’s this shell of the person she used to be. Seriously, I’ve never met anyone who could make me laugh as hard as she used to make me laugh. ... She’s just so obsessed and fake now. It actually makes me really sad."


24。"I was best friends with a now-influencer. She’s a genuine person but also lies, if that makes sense? She's very much about empowering women and helping people accept themselves and build their confidence, which is a great platform! However, some of the anecdotes she tells about 'struggling with fitting in' when she was a teen are blatant lies. She was popular and every guy had a crush on her. I don’t want to undermine whatever internal struggle she faced, but when she tells stories about bullying in high school, they’re lies. She’s genuine about wanting to be positive for people, I just wish she did it a bit more honestly."


25。"One of my best friends dated a really Insta-famous guy. He invited us to his house for a Christmas party and this is when I realized how fake social media was. The guy didn’t really own the car he paraded on social media. He rented it, took several photos with it, then gave it back. His house was in a different city than he claimed. ... He said he lived in a very rich city but his house was in a more modest place. He asked me to send him the videos I took at the party, posted them, and didn’t even tag me because I 'didn’t have enough followers'? ... Dude has millions of people fooled."


