
    Taylor Swift's "Folklore" Is A Personal Yet Vicarious Victory


    "When you are young, they assume you know nothing," Taylor Swift sings on "Cardigan." Their assumptions, Taylor proves on her surprise albumFolklore,将是胡扯。

    Taylor Swift in the "Cardigan" music video

    Folkloreis Taylor Swift's biggest swing of her career — and possibly her biggest home run. The album is like nothing she's ever done before in so many ways. Sonically, it's a blend of folk and indie instrumentals with synth beats, which makes for an easygoing, ultra-mellow listening experience.

    Taylor Swift in the "Cardigan" music video

    And just when you think Taylor's writing couldn't improve, she adds another element to her craft. OnFolklore, she employs a new* technique: writing about characters and other people. "I found myself not only writing my own stories, but also writing about or from the perspective of people I've never met, people I've known, or those I wish I hadn't," she said in a YouTube Q&A.


    泰勒在《最后的美国王朝》和《贝蒂》上写了一个名叫丽贝卡的角色。泰勒(Taylor)透露她在唱歌的那个住在罗德岛(Rhode Island)的女人面前的女人时,“特尔加德(Tlgad)”的亮点达到了高潮。

    Suddenly, the self-referential lyric "There goes the loudest woman this town has ever seen / I had a marvelous time ruining everything" has more bite and self-awareness than "Blank Space" or any Taylor pop song.

    In "Epiphany," Taylor writes about her grandfather, who was a veteran, but draws相似之处to the pain and trauma all health care workers are experiencing in the face of the coronavirus. "Something med school did not cover / Someone's daughter, someone's mother / Holds your hand through plastic now." This lyric is so brilliant because it intertwines Taylor's grandfather's experience, Taylor's experience, and health care workers' experience during these trying times.



    On "Illicit Affairs," Taylor sings, "Make sure nobody sees you leave / Hood over your head, keep your eyes down." Character-inspired or not, we know Taylor has had to deal with paparazzi and scrutiny when it comes to being in a relationship. She lets listeners know that the pain, the anxiety, the fear, in this case, is worth it. "For you, I would ruin myself a million little times."

    泰勒(Taylor)在《流放》(Exiled)的《流放》(Exiled)中唱着著名的歌曲,唱着疲惫的关系。泰勒写道:“我不再是你的问题了,所以我现在要冒犯谁?你是我的王冠,现在我流亡,看你出去。”多么典型的泰勒·斯威夫特歌词和歌曲。隐喻,杂物,甚至味道无所畏惧- 时代的童话倒台。


    在“疯女人”上,她写了一个未透露姓名的女人,但您可以感觉到名声- 当她唱歌时,时代的焦虑“没有什么比一个疯狂的女人那样 /她疯了,没有人喜欢一个疯狂的女人 /你像那样的人。”

    泰勒似乎更接近歌曲“ Mirrorball”,“这是我尝试”,“和平”,“我的眼泪Ricochet”和“骗局”。她探索了整个人际关系,爱情和心痛的范围 - 好像她还有其他未知领域要掩盖 - 通过诀窍的隐喻和图像。看:每张泰勒·斯威夫特专辑。


    这张专辑让我印象深刻的另一件事是探索成熟的成人主题。泰勒完全能够回顾人际关系,并重视他们的本质。泰勒写道,在“ 1”上,“如果您从不流血,您将永远不会成长。”在“无形的弦”上,她谈到了为婴儿发送前礼物。看来泰勒与她的过去保持和平。它没有与某些人一起工作,这还可以。

    接下来,我们必须谈论泰勒的人声。尽管泰勒的同龄人可能专注于制作下一个过于吸引人的tiktok歌曲,但泰勒似乎对此并不感兴趣。Folklore歌曲,尤其是“七,“八月”和“我的眼泪”),深深,分层,充满混响,比以往任何时候都更呼吸。她听起来像Imogen Heap,内战和“安全与声音” - 时代的泰勒。

    在本质上,Folklore泰勒·斯威夫特(Taylor Swift)处于最佳状态,因为泰勒(Taylor)冒险。这是替代的,它是个人的。这是不同的,但典型的泰勒。这是忧郁的,但令人欣慰。总体而言,这是2020年的泰勒·斯威夫特(Taylor Swift) - 富有想象力,重新发明,真实和烦恼。它最终代表了泰勒必须提供音乐界的礼物的万花筒。


