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    “ TSA扔掉了我从酒店拿走的肥皂,因为显然,'算作液体'。我指出,这是一块坚固的肥皂,他们说现在很坚固,但是当湿时它变成了液体。”

    随着假期的临近,我们很可能会期望发生混乱的空中旅行。毕竟,据报道几乎5500万美国人will travel over the Thanksgiving holiday and the numbers are expected to reach the highest it's been since 2019. It's best to be prepared for last-minute flight cancellations, airlines losing luggage, or TSA agents stopping you for ~suspicious~ luggage.

    So after nearly 300 people from theyabo sportsBuzzFeed社区分享了他们自己的故事怪异的TSA体验与我们一起,我们想与您分享更多最疯狂的人:

    1。"I was waiting to board a plane, and a security agent with a beagle came by. The dog must have alerted him that he smelled something because the agent stopped me. At least he was nice and said, 'I don’t think you have anything, but this dog is in training, and I’d like to look in your backpack.' I said, 'Sure' and put it on the ground.




    3。“当我的儿子大约5个月大时,我们要去田纳西州。他仍然在配方奶粉中,我认为(从逻辑上讲)将他的一些配方放在特百惠中,而不是拿起整个锡罐,并冒着发生所有事情的风险it. Well. Just so you know, TSA will lose their goddamn minds if they find an unlabeled tub of white powder in luggage. I nearly missed my flight because they didn’t believe it was baby formula."


    4。“我的经验可以追溯到70年代初,当时机场安全首次实施。它涉及您的行李。我有一个大公文包,我在过夜商务旅行时携带了一个大公文包。我换了衣服和剃须工具一侧和另一侧的商务文件。我第一次遇到安全性时,代理商将剃须工具包的内容清空,包括我的牙刷上的桌子上的桌子。我放了一匹马避孕套 -旁注:我的岳父曾经给我一匹马避孕套- 除了我剃须套件中的物品。在Security,一位年轻女经纪人打开了我的手提箱,看到了剃须套件,然后打开了它。


    5。"Back in 2019, my boyfriend at the time was a flight attendant. He had put me on his flight benefits, and for a weekend getaway, we were going to Amsterdam. Well, as a gay man, I packed a douche because we planned on ~playing piano~ so to speak for the first time ever. All was good going to Europe, but in the Amsterdam airport on the way back was another story. I was in the security line alone because my boyfriend had pre-approved status being a flight attendant, and as they were scanning my bag, it got flagged.

    “我没有考虑太多,但是当保安人员穿过我的书包时,他拉出了我的冲洗。他开始阅读包装,对它的本质感到困惑,所以他开始了向其他警卫大喊大叫。This goes on, for, I kid you not, about five minutes until a security guard who knew what it was came over and explained it to them.





    7。"I was 17 and heavily pregnant (I know, I know) and traveling back home from visiting my sick grandma. I was wearing traditional Florida clothes (flops, shorts, and a T-shirt) and was pulled aside after going through the metal scanner. I was confused because I hadn't set it off or anything, and my flops were in the bin. The security officer told me to take off my shoes, only to be greeted by my bare feet. She then loudly asked what I was smuggling under my shirt, and I said, 'An unborn child,' and she RIPPED my shirt straight open with the air of someone proving that they had caught someone in a lie.


    8。"I was 14, and I visited the US for the first time. I wanted to buy a grenade perfume and bullet belt from Hot Topic, and my mom said no since it’d be hard to travel back with, and we’d likely get stopped and searched. Fast-forward to a few days later when we were at the airport, and we STILL got searched. Why? Because I had a pack of pads in my carry-on that seemed ‘suspicious.’



    9。"The two times I have flown with my violin, I’ve gotten flagged by TSA. My favorite was when they wanted me to take the violin apart so they could check the inside, because, you know, string instruments come apart so easily. They were more concerned about my violin than the multiple pairs of knitting needles in my backpack."




    11。“我在那里接受训练后从俄克拉荷马州飞回韩国,并在我的手提箱里有一个振动器。我飞出的机场很小,他们通过签入那里X射线托运行李。TSA。agent put my bag in, and right there on the screen is my vibrator. The TSA got kinda red in the face and started laughing — but, thankfully, they didn’t pull it out to verify."


    12。"I had TSA try to tell me my ID wasn’t valid because Washington, DC isn't a state and can’t issue IDs. I had to get his manager to tell him he was wrong."



    A person holding a wand



    15。“ TSA扔掉了我从酒店拿走的肥皂,因为显然,'算作液体'。我指出,这是一块坚固的肥皂,他们说现在很牢固,但是当湿时它变成了液体,所以它被算作液体,需要不到3盎司。有时,我认为他们会让狗屎做狗屎当人们感到无聊时,与人混乱。”


    16。“两周前,与其他三位女yabo.com士一起从中国飞往南非。我们在上海和亚的斯亚贝巴进行了安全。请注意,上海是一场噩梦。There’s an issue with one girl’s bag. They confiscated the 18 golf balls she had bought for her sister that have been let through at two other (much larger) airports. No reason. Just ‘you can’t have this in a carry-on.'"


    17。“当我不得不穿过金属探测器时,我的手指上夹有夹板。我不得不脱下鞋子(远足靴),然后问我的手指夹板。它们挥舞着我,金属探测器掉了下来。我再次询问了夹板,他们刷掉了夹板,对我的牛仔裤口袋做了轻拍。他们再次送我穿过,金属探测器再次熄灭了。代理商向其他人示意接近,我将夹板从手指上拉开,将其交给第一个特工,然后向后走 - 什么都没有。那是该死的夹板。



    18。"I had a dog bone that was chewed a lot, so it was a bit sharp, and I was held back in case it was used as a sharp object to hurt someone. I literally had my dog with me, and it very much looked like a dog toy."


    19。"Recently, I was traveling with my two 8-year-old boys from Richmond, Virginia, back to Kansas. We have two carry-on suitcases and two backpacks; one was with toys in it. TSA pulls one suitcase and the toy bag after the X-ray. My oldest son has a stretchy Sonic toy, and the guy tested it for explosives. Then he checked the suitcase, which had a 3-ft. stick of pepperoni, cut into three pieces, which was all wrapped in plastic wrap and inside a Ziploc bag. The guy opened the bag, took a piece out, and unwrapped it. All to test it for explosives as well. I can let the Sonic toy go, but pepperoni? I could smell it across the conveyer when he opened the bag."








    23。"When I was flying back to Wisconsin from Sacramento, I forgot I had this souvenir that I was bringing back for my grandma: It was this owl-shaped jewelry box. Anyways, it was wrapped in newspaper, and it got flagged by the TSA. A bunch of military and police came, and everyone was not opening the bag and was scared and asking me, 'What is that in there?' and I seriously didn’t know because I forgot I had it. They handed it to me and had me unwrap it. I unwrapped it and showed it to them that is a jewelry box and not a grenade as they thought."

    a jewelry box with gold rings


