

    "I had my little 8-lb. terrier in a carrier. TSA made me take him out, remove his harness and collar and have him run through the scanner alone. I can’t even imagine what they thought he was hiding in his short fur."


    And since over400人来自yabo sportsBuzzFeed社区我与TSA分享了自己的疯狂经历,我认为我应该在下面分享他们的一些回答:

    1。"My mother had a prosthetic leg but mostly got around in a wheelchair. Security asked her to remove the shoe from her prosthetic (which was difficult to even put on). When we explained that, they then asked her to take off her *leg*, put it through the X-ray, and told her to walk through the scanner. My mom just looked at the TSA agent and went, 'Don't think I can do that either.'"


    2。“我穿了一件Metallica衬衫(我是一个女人)。TSA Pre-Check Guy直到我命名了几首Metallica歌曲后才让我经历。,我能够继续自己的一天。”


    3。“ 9/11之后的几个月,我从罗马飞回了美国。我把闹钟和卷曲的铁包裹在塑料袋中。是的,不要那样。我所有的书包都很棒。”


    4。“在2001年(9/11之前的两个星期),我15岁,我和我的妈妈从加利福尼亚旅行回到纽约。嗯,在90年代和00年代早期的纽约州北部,您无法找到好玉米饼,所以我妈妈在加利福尼亚买了三打玉米饼,然后收拾好了回家。我聪明,很棒的母亲把玉米饼打包在她的托运行李中?当然不是!single bag in her carry-on luggage because she didn’t want anything to happen to them, and everyone knows they don’t exactly coddle your checked luggage. Well, what do you think three dozen tortillas stacked in a cylinder look like when they go through an X-ray machine? If you guessed bomb, you're CORRECT!"


    5.“因为现在允许,我用一个装满冰的水瓶穿过TSA。到我们经历的时候,其中一些融化了一点。TSA决定它是Sus,并希望我们试图将Hydro Blask抛弃,所有东西在其中或通过安全性回去,丢弃“ sus liquid”,然后又回来。只有线路跳跃。因此,逻辑会在我丈夫经过的时候决定,因为那是一个水,因为那是一个水温暖的一天。我简直不敢相信我不得不向TSA解释热力学定律,并伸出我的手,告诉他我在他面前喝了该死的东西,以证明那是水。”



    6.“我当时腿骨折,坐着轮椅护送安全。我也有拐杖。当我们到达扫描仪时,他们告诉我站起来走过扫描仪没有我的拐杖. I politely told them I could not, and instead, could they please send the crutches through the scanner, then frisk me? I couldn’t walk on my own. They just couldn’t believe it. I am not confrontational, but I did say that I found it hard to believe I was the first person ever in the history of ORD to have this situation. They finally scanned me manually. Sheesh."


    7."My 2-year-old was very insistent that he pull his carry-on through TSA. So, when we put it on the scanner, he threw a fit because 'it’s MINE.' He had a Sing and Snore Ernie in there that he was taking on the trip with him. Before we could tell TSA what was in there, his bag started talking: 'I am sooo sleepy, I think I’ll take a nap.' And then, it started to sing 'Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star' and then snore. We could watch his bag go up and down with each snore. Mayhem ensued: Radios came out, guards came running, and before you knew it, there was a pissed toddler who kept yelling, 'My Ernie, my Ernie.' Finally, they let us open the bag, and my son pulls out Ernie and stomps off. We apologized, and we were let through the checkpoint. It was the last time stuffies were in carry-ons!"

    绿日乐队成员持有Ernie Doll

    8."One time, my then-boyfriend (now husband) and I were flying to visit my family for the holidays. Security lines were longer than normal, and they were diverted around an open area. I was walking in front of my BF because he still wasn’t familiar with airports at that point. A security officer and a German Shepherd were patrolling in the open area we were being guided around. A new scanner opened up, and the line moved forward at least 30 people, so we started walking around the area pretty quickly to keep up with the line, and almost immediately, the officer and dog started following my boyfriend. When the line came to a stop, the dog sat right by my BF (apparently, this is an alert), and the officer immediately began to aggressively question my BF about what drugs he had, and my BF froze like a deer in headlights, completely silent."

    “我意识到发生了什么事,并转过困惑,那只狗开始努力到达我男朋友的滚动袋中。军官被现在牵引的那只狗感到困惑(我认为不是警报的一部分)。我的bf终于引起了他的感官和几乎尖叫,'It’s my dog!' The officer doesn’t understand immediately and still has a hand on his holster.


    Thankfully, he found it funny然后告诉我们,德国牧羊犬仍然是新的,也没有看到一只狗在我们面前的携带者(只有从不使用载体的服务动物)。





    10。“我和另一个家庭旅行,他的儿子刚刚摔断了一个手腕并扭伤了另一个,所以他有一个演员和夹板。TSA特工阻止了他,并继续与他的父母争论,要求他脱下演员。显然,he couldn’t do that, so they took a little metal probe and stuck it underneath his casts, and then proceeded to check for explosive dust on his hands. It was a long, humiliating process for him and his family."


    11。"My grandmother was a badass. She was my doctor's grandfather's medical assistant and took zero BS from people. She was flying with my dad after her double mastectomy and couldn't lift her arms because of severe pain from the scars. The TSA agent insisted that she do so to go through the machine. Of course, she explained the situation and asked for an alternative. The TSA idiot refused her one, and after several minutes of flat-out telling her she was making it up, he refused to let her go to her plane. At this point, my grandmother calmly said, 'Okay. No problem. I can prove it.' And began taking off her shirt. She got through security very quickly after that."




    13。"I had my little 8-lb. terrier in a carrier. TSA made me take him out, remove his harness and collar and have him run through the scanner alone. I can’t even imagine what they thought he was hiding in his short fur. A friend later suggested that maybe they thought he was a 'terrierist.'"




    15。"The only time TSA was frustrating was when I was at security where they check IDs, and the woman wouldn't let me through. I understood why, though: My name had an extra letter, but she wasn't having it when I tried to explain I had already boarded other flights without problem because, obviously, it was me. She sent me to the front desk to take off an extra letter. The lady at the front desk said she wasn't going to do that because it's a process that could take hours if not days. So, the lady at the front desk personally escorted me to security and took me to a different TSA agent and told him to let me through, and I was able to catch my flight with no problem."

    a woman at the airport giving their ID



