
Here's How To Use A Bullet Journal For Better Mental Health

A way to keep it all together when things are falling apart.

You may have heard about the idea of a bullet journal, which is a method of journaling that has been all over the web as of late.


Bullet journals are amazing for tracking tasks, thoughts, activities, and life events, so they lend themselves really well to recording info about your physical and mental health.


就是说...我们俩都选择将时间和精力投入到我们的个人期刊上,因为我们喜欢它,并发现这对多个层次有所帮助。临床心理学家Andrea Bonior博士告诉BuzzFeed,单纯的弹性行为确实有意义,尤其是如果您经yabo sports历了艰难的时期。

她说:“当您的生活和情感变得如此失控或混乱时,将其组织成像子弹期刊这样的系统结构有很多治疗方法。”"You lay things out in an aesthetically pleasing way and already it feels more manageable. Like you can really tackle it and make it through. It feels luxurious, too. It’s like saying, 'I’m worth it. I’m worth this notebook and the time it takes to turn it into something beautiful.'”

Whether or not you turn your journal into something ~beautiful~ is up to you! In the meantime,这里有一些方法可以使其有助于跟踪您的心理健康


1.You can create a monthly habit tracker to easily see everything at a glance.



4.But before you start tracking your habits, set realistic goals so you don't get discouraged if you have an off day (or two or seven).







PS: Here's how it looks when you add your notes to it.

9。If setting up a layout like that each day seems stressful or you don't have time for it, you could try a weekly version instead, like this:

Here's a closer look:



11.Instead of making a daily to-do list, make a "done" list.


13.Make rant boxes for the days when you just can't with the world.


15.Try a food-tracking layout to keep track of nutrition and be more mindful of your eating habits or patterns.

16.If you're artistically inclined, give yourself a little space to doodle every day.



19。Make a page you can refer to when everything is terrible and you need ideas for self-care.

最后,还有一个提醒:您的日记为you和no one else.

子弹日记本应该真正具有您的束缚,因此请勿在功能上放置形式。As Bonior explains, "If you’re so concerned with washi tape and calligraphy, and you screwed up behaviorally, it’s going to be tempting to be like, 'Maybe I won’t put that in there, because I don’t want to taint this journal that’s supposed to be a beautiful thing with my negative behavior or my sad thoughts.'”

她说:“但是,一旦您养成了日记中不真实的习惯,它就会破坏目的。”So make your goal something like, "Sure, I want this to be beautiful, organized, and reflect that I’m doing well — but more than that, my goal is that it actually represents my life and helps me work on things and do better.”
