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    31 TV Moments From This Week That We Can't Stop Talking About

    Cristina sent Meredith quite the welcome back present on实习医生格蕾

    Obviously MASSIVE spoilers ahead!

    1.首先,开实习医生格蕾, Meredith officially returned to work, and Cristina got her a welcome back gift, which was in the form of a hot new doctor she nicknamed "McWidow."


    3.然后实习医生格蕾, the fall finale ended on a shocking cliffhanger when several doctors where trapped underground in the bar after a car collided with the building.

    4.The Good Place, Michael finally snapped his fingers and restored Chidi's memories, but not before we learned more about Chidi's quest to know if soul mates exist.

    5.也打开The Good Place, before Chidi lost his memories, he actually wrote a note to himself detailing his love for Eleanor — yes, I wept uncontrollably.

    6.The Mandalorian,Yoda在使用部队拯救曼达洛人时展示了他的一些令人难以置信的力量。

    7.如何逃脱谋杀,在闪光灯前进期间,在Annalize的葬礼上,韦斯(是的,韦斯)从人群中出来说几句话 - 哎呀?!我有很多问题!

    8.也打开How to Get Away with Murder, we learned that Asher was killed in the future, and Connor and Michaela were arrested for his murder.

    9.The Crownfinally returned with Season 3 and featured Olivia Colman taking over as Queen Elizabeth II.

    10。This Is Us, we jumped into the future and learned that a year from now Rebecca's memory has gotten worse, Kevin has a fiancé, who is expecting, and Randall isn't speaking to Kevin.

    11.也打开This Is Us, Nicky joined the Pearsons for Thanksgiving and started a new tradition in honor of Jack — we also see Jack Jr. continuing it in the future.

    12.超女, Kara finally found out that Lena has been working against her, and it led to this heartbreaking moment.


    14.Shameless, Ian and Mickey officially returned as series regulars, and we saw them bickering in prison.

    15.Legacies, Josie restored everyone's memories of Hope, even though it meant jeopardizing her relationship with Landon — her mom aka Caroline helped Josie make the decision.

    16.也打开Legacies, Freya reunited with Hope after helping Josie with the spell and getting her memories back.

    17.A Million Little Things, Rome emotionally helped PJ through a tough time when PJ considered killing himself.

    18.The Morning Show, Jennifer Aniston showed off her singing voice when Alex sang a duet with Cory at a fundraiser.

    19.也打开The Morning Show,每个人都处理了《纽约时报》文章的直接影响,详细介绍了米奇的行为TMS

    20。高中音乐剧:音乐剧:系列, we were introduced to Ashlyn, who is playing Ms. Darbus, and she absolutely crushed an original song called“想知道。”

    21。Riverdale, Cheryl and Toni played a prank involving cannibalism, Mary pulled a gun on Dodger's family in order to save Archie, FP threatened Hiram, and Jughead and Betty investigated Mr. Chipping's death.

    22。也打开Riverdale,阿奇决定将El Royale健身房献给弗雷德。

    23.The Walking Dead,西迪克(Siddiq)震惊地杀死了亚历山大(Alexandria)的耳语。

    24.Dollfacestarted streaming on Hulu. The new series follows Jules, a recently single woman who tries to reconnect with her female BFFs.

    25.他的黑暗材料, Lyra figured out how to use the alethiometer for the first time.

    26.Arrow, Oliver, Mia, William, and Oliver traveled to Russia, while Diggle tracked down Roy and convinced him to rejoin Team Arrow.

    27.Sorry For Your Lossaired its Season 2 finale and featured Leigh breaking down and realizing she'll never fully get over Matt.

    28.芝加哥大yabo.com火, Gabby visited Chicago and reunited with Casey.

    29.芝加哥, Halstead was shockingly shot at the end of the episode by Angela, Marcus West's husband who Halstead wrongfully put behind bars.

    30。超市,艾米(Amy)的兄弟埃里克(Eric)参观了云9,最终迷恋了马特奥(Mateo) - 他们甚至决定约会。

    31。最后,上Batwoman, Alfred's daughter Julia Pennyworth was introduced and apparently has a history with Kate.

    What were your favorite TV moments this week? Tell us in the comments below!

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