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    第4集的“ She-Hulk”细节很小,很棒,而且很微妙,您可能会错过他们

    There seems to be some Mephisto Easter eggs hidden inShe-HulkEpisode 4, and I'm gettingWandaVision闪回。我发誓,这次可能是一回事。

    警告:前方有巨大的破坏者he-hulk:法律律师Episode 4 on Disney+!

    嗨,您好,欢迎回到这些混乱的奇迹帖子,我试图分解每个细节或凉爽的复活节彩蛋。因此,这是我注意到的所有细节he-hulk:法律律师Episode 4:

    如果您是这些帖子的新手,请欢迎您,我为所有书呆子大喊大叫,深表歉意!如果您要返回WandaVision,,,,猎鹰和冬季士兵,,,,洛基第1季,,,,What If...?第1季,,,,鹰眼,,,,月亮骑士,,,,AND漫威女士,,,,好吧,非常感谢您回来!

    1。First, the "cut-rate magician" we meet in Episode 4 is named "Donny Blaze," which I have to assume is a playful nod to Johnny Blaze, aka Ghost Rider, from the Marvel Comics.

    2。You'll notice that Wong is trying to watch the iconic女高音情节“长期停车”(第5季,第12集),被认为是该系列中最好的剧集之一。在Madisynn到来之前,他已经看到了介绍音乐跳舞,但是当然,Madisynn为他剧集破坏了巨大的情节时刻。

    3。好吧,对不起,我们回到了Mephisto/WandaVisionnonsense from 2021,但是我发誓这次可能是真实的(或者对我们所有人都吓坏了梅菲斯托的辉煌而有趣的点头)。当Madisynn提到她如何去另一个山羊想要血液的维度时,这确实是对Mephisto的提及,Mephisto的真实形式是山羊般的恶魔。在帖子的后面,还有更多有关此的信息,但是哦,伙计。

    4。詹恩(Jen)在这一集中的第一个第四堵墙突破提到了每个人如何喜欢黄(Wong)以及如何给节目“一周的Twitter Armor”。这是Twitter上现实生活中的巨魔的出色标注,他们一直批评he-hulk:法律律师自从宣布。在第3集,该系列也提出了这些负面评论。

    5。When Jen is scrolling through her to-do list, if you pause quick enough, you can read some of the things she has on there. My personal favorites are: "Meet Nikki in the bathroom @ 11:47," "Buy and read 'How to Make Friends And Influence People'," "Gym (lol)," "Call mom re: dad birthday ideas (Pie of the Month Club?)," "Order more chopsticks," "Stop wasting chopsticks," "Find 'direct' contact info for Wong," and more.

    6。在fact, one of the to-do list items reads, "Compile depositions for Lee v Byrne," which is a reference to Stan Lee and John Byrne, with John being the artist and writer behind耸人听闻的人comic book series from 1989 to 1994.

    7。另外,另一个待办事项列表项目读为“牛皮v soule的文件发现请求”。大卫·安东尼·卡夫(David Anthony Kraft)和查尔斯·苏尔(Charles Soule)都写道She-Hulkcomics as well. David wrote theSavage She-Hulkcomic book series from 1980 to 1982, while Charles wroteShe-Hulk Vol. 3from 2014 to 2015.


    9.Wong在与Jen谈论他针对Donny Blaze的案件时,提到了《 Vishanti的书》,这是Strange博士和美国Chavez正在追逐的书,Wanda最终摧毁了Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness

    10.Just like in第2集,您可以看到Jen的电话壁纸是史蒂夫·罗杰斯/队长的屁股的照片。

    11。The bar that Jen goes to for her really bad first date is named Finley's, which is likely a nod to Christopher Finley, who was the visual effects production manager onhe-hulk:法律律师

    12。好的,要继续进行梅菲斯托复活节彩蛋趋势 - 我知道,对不起,我们回到了这里 - 而Madisynn正在作证反对Donny Blaze,她提到她与一个名叫Jake的恶魔达成了协议。同样,Mephisto基本上是Marvel的魔鬼版本。


    14。在黄去帮助Donny Blaze之前,您会注意到他正在观看令人心碎的情节这就是我们。Wong正在观看“ The Car”(第2季,第15集),该电影在以杰克的死为特色的超级碗剧集之后播出。

    15。现在,我不知道这是否真的是Wong派出Donny Blaze的恶魔的地方yabo.comDoctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness

    16。当詹回到她的约会时,你会看到他正在阅读不良的女权主义者由Roxane Gay。


    18。在贷后场景中,黄和麦迪尼正在看另一个这就是我们episode. This time it's "Light and Shadows" (Season 4, Episode 10).

    19.And finally, when Madisynn is asking Wong which alcoholic drinks he's tried, Wong mentions that he had vodka and yak milk and he has some left from "the wedding." Now, I'm not sure which wedding he's referencing, but the last big MCU wedding that involved Wong was Christine's wedding inDoctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness

