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These 22 Black Sex Educators Are Changing The Way We Think And Talk About Sex


So, first things first: The number of Black sex educators and sex-positive influencers on IG is not finite, and I know that there are多很多。相信我,我的饲料一天正在继续增长。

If there's anyone you feel deserves a shoutout on this list, drop their handle in the comments and let us know! You'd be helping other readers upgrade their IG feeds, and my feed and I would be eternally grateful.

起初,Instagram不会让人们(阅读:女性和女性)发布乳头。好的,裸露,性别歧视,我们明白了。但是随后平台开始“ Shadowbanning”,这限制了Instagram认为对该平台不合适的用户内容的覆盖范围。

Screenshot of Instagram community guidelines


1。Gabby Alexa(@gabalexa) is an author and sex-positive influencer who uses her content to educate the masses on bisexuality and polyamory.

2。Shemeka Thorpe, PhD (@drshemeka)是一位性教育者和研究人员,希望通过专注于愉悦,人际关系和性代理来将围绕黑人性别学的叙事变成一种性阳性。

3。Ashleigh Tribble,又名@ASHLEIGHCHUBBYBUNNY,,,,is a Brooklyn-based blogger and activist who uses her platform to talk about all things fat and sexy, especially the intersections of race, fatphobia, and misogynoir — oh, and hella memes.

4。Madame Namio (@lisaspliffson)是一位美容师,退休的Dominatrix,Kink教育家和喜剧演员使用她的平台来庆祝黑人和POC性工作者,喜剧演员和创意者,并宣传“黑人至高无上”。

5。Shanae Adams (@honestlynae)是一名专注于提供近距离的表现和正常讨论的性教育者,以相互关注。

6。Daleychia and Rafaella are the minds behind@Afrosexology,一种在线教育资源,促进性积极性和探索,以期拆除白人至高无上历史上对黑体和性行为强加的污名。

7.Tara Michaela Jones (@tara.michaela)是一位黑人和酷儿的性教育者,总部位于纽约市,其内容和工作重点是不公正和种族主义对性的影响,并探索围绕性的污名,希望缩小性高潮差距。

8.阿什利·科布(Ashley Cobb)(@sexwithashley) is the sex advice columnist for Madame Noire. In her weekly column, she answers anonymous questions about everything from threesomes and dating to anal and blowjobs.

9.Venus Cuffs (@venuscuffs)是纽约市的一家夜生活大亨,退休的Dominatrix和激进主义者,他通过举办和组织恋物癖和舞蹈派对来倡导为边缘化的人提供包容性,安全,扭结友好的空间。

10。Ericka Hart (@iharterika)是一位黑人,酷儿的性教育者,作家,激进主义者和乳腺癌幸存者,其作品探讨了与种族,性别,慢性病和残疾的性表达和性表达的交叉性。

11。拉奎尔·萨维奇(Raquel Savage)(@raquelsavage)是一名治疗师,性教育者和性工作者,在IG,Twitter,Onlyfans和Patreon上创建教育视频,信息图表和其他性健康内容,以提供性替代品的IRL替代品(例如,在实际的阴茎上放置避孕套,nota banana).

12。Tyomi Morgan(@realglamazontyoni) is a certified sex educator and founder of the Cowgirl Workout, created for vulva owners to help build stamina and confidence in the bedroom (or wherever you have sex).


14。Shan Boodram (@shanboody)是一位性爱和亲密教育者 - 认为“露丝博士遇见蕾哈娜(Rihanna)” - 创造了既聪明又性感的内容,希望使群众在性探索中更加自信和胜任。

15。saniyyah lateef(@heauxonthegeaux)是一个酷儿,非二进制愉悦活动家和堕胎杜拉(Doula),他正在努力为黑人社区成员提供可访问和自由的性教育,重点是解放,非殖民化和减少伤害。

16。Sam, Rob, Akua, and Rebecca are the queer, Black, and twentysomething hosts of内ho起义((@innerhoeuprising), a feminist podcast that focuses on sex, love, and dating through intersectional lenses.

17.Jimanekia Eborn (@jimanekia) is a queer sex educator whose work focuses on trauma-informed sensuality and sexuality for survivors and their allies. She is the creator of创伤女王,,,,a podcast miniseries for assault survivors.

18.Irma Garcia (@sexedwithirma) is a queer, Afro-Latinx sex educator based in Texas who is promoting pleasure activism in Southern marginalized communities with infographic posts, sex toy reviews, and podcast content on the platform Dirty South Sex Ed.

19.rukiat(@iamrukiat) is a London-based sex educator creating content on YouTube, IG, and TikTok to help viewers learn about sexuality, consent, sexual health, relationships, and more.

20。Ev'Yan Whitney (@evyan.whitney) is a queer, nonbinary sex educator, sexuality doula, and author whose mission is to help others become sexually liberated and develop a healthy relationship to their sensuality, body, and sexual expression.

21。Marla Stewart (@1marlastewart)是一位性别者和作者,也是天鹅绒嘴唇性爱的创造者。她利用自己的平台讨论人类的性,愉悦和纠结。

22。Shadeen Francis(@shadeenfrancis)是一位性别和关系治疗师,他优先考虑性爱和爱情的情感方面,并通过日记风格的格言,以激发她的追随者。


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