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    Lili Reinhart Defended Her Criticism Of Kim Kardashian Losing 16 Pounds In Three Weeks For The Met Gala

    "I speak up because I don’t see enough people with large platforms calling out toxic behavior in our industry."

    Lili Reinhartsent a follow-up tweet to her recent comments about金·卡戴珊(Kim Kardashian)losing16 poundsin three weeks to fit into Marilyn Monroe's "Birthday dress" at the Met Gala.

    Earlier this week, theRiverdaleactortook to her Instagramstory shortly after Kim herselfsaid that she was "starving"after the Met Gala. "So fucked on 100s of levels," she wrote. "To openly admit to starving yourself for the sake of the Met Gala."

    Lili Reinhart's Instagram story saying it's wrong for Kim K to admit she starved herself to lose weight

    "The ignorance is other-worldly and disgusting," she continued. "Please stop supporting these stupid, harmful celebrities whose entire image revolves around their bodies."

    金·卡戴珊(Kim Kardashian)stands in Marilyn Monroe's dress against an arrangement of flowers

    While manythankedLili for her message, otherscriticizedher and claimed she was using Kim to get attention for herself. Well, Lili herself then tweeted again as everything went down — starting with a "*sigh.*"

    Lili Reinhart smiles at an event


    *sigh* I do not say the things that I say because I want to be relevant or get attention. I speak up because I don’t see enough people with large platforms calling out toxic behavior in our industry. Some people will never understand where I’m coming from and that’s okay ☯️

    Twitter: @lilireinhart

    "I speak up because I don’t see enough people with large platforms calling out toxic behavior in our industry."

    Lili Reinhart stands at a step-and-repeat

    "Some people will never understand where I’m coming from and that’s okay," she concluded.

    A closeup of Lili Reinhart smiling

    This isn't the first time Lili has used social media to discuss body image. At thestart of this year, she wrote about her own body anxieties, saying, "I didn't think being in this industry, that is so obsessed with women's bodies and weights, could ever mess with my own body acceptance and positivity. But it has. I wish I hadn't grown up in a time where the media worshipped only one size of women."

    Lili Reinhart looks serious at an event

    We'll keep you posted if Kim responds to any of the criticism.

    The National Eating Disorders Associationhelpline is 1-800-931-2237; for 24/7 crisis support, text “NEDA” to 741741.
