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Wanda Sykes Said She's Still "A Little Traumatized" And "Sickened" By Will Smith Slapping Chris Rock

"I felt so awful for my friend Chris."

During a visit toThe Ellen DeGeneres Showearlier today,Wanda Sykesopened up about her experience hosting the 2022Oscarsand how she feels aboutSlapgate.

Wanda Sykes at the Oscars

Wanda revealed she was headed back to her trailer to change into her next outfit whenWill Smithhopped onstage and slappedChris Rockon live television. By the time she got to her trailer, she saw Will telling Chris, "Keep my wife's name out your fucking mouth!"

Will Smith slapping Chris Rock

"I felt so awful for my friend Chris," WandatoldEllen. "It was sickening. It was absolutely— I physically felt ill."

Sykes on the Ellen DeGeneres Show

Wanda and Ellen said that they were both still a little traumatized by the entire incident, especially because Will was allowed to stay in the room after it happened.

Wanda and Ellen talking on set

"And for them to let [Will] stay in that room and enjoy the rest of the show and accept his award, I was like, 'How gross is this?'"

Will Smith accepting his Oscar

"This sends the wrong message. If you assault somebody, you get escorted out the building, and that's it. But for them to let him continue, I thought it was gross."

Wanda with her arms open in disbelief

Wanda admitted she wanted to be able to run out onstage after Will won for "Best Actor" and say, "Ugh, unfortunately Will couldn't be here tonight."

Ellen laughing and Wanda looking stern

And although Will issued apublic apologyto Chris, Wanda believes she and fellow Oscars hostsRegina HallandAmy Schumerdeserve an apology from him as well.

"We're hosts; we're gonna take care of y'all tonight and make sure you have a good time. And no one has apologized to us. We worked really hard to put that show together, so just the industry itself, I'm like, 'What the hell is this?'"

Amy Schumer, Wanda Sykes, and Regina Hall hosting the Oscars

Wanda might've not received an apology from Will, but she did get one from Chris. "I hope he doesn't mind me saying this, but I saw Chris at [Guy Oseary's after party], and as soon as I walked up to him, the first thing he said is, 'I'm so sorry.'"

Wanda Sykes and Chris Rock talking

"I was like, 'Why are you apologizing?' He was like, 'It was supposed to be your night. You and Amy and Regina were doing such a great job. I'm so sorry this is now gonna be about this.'"

Wanda Sykes and Chris Rock at an event

"That's just the type of guy Chris is," said Wanda. "Yes," Ellen added. "Chris is a sweet guy."

Wanda and Ellen on The Ellen DeGeneres Show

To watch the full interview, check out the video below:

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