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Everyone Loves To Debate Whether These 40 Names Are "Dog Names" Or "Human Names"

I guarantee "Maddie" will be a 50-50 split because that only seems right to me.

The Washington Posthas a fun little featurewhere you can search to see whether your name is more of a dog or human name.

The "more dog" to "more human" scale for "Joe": In a stadium of 100,000 people and 100,000 dogs, 33 dogs and 128 people would be named Joe

People on Twitter are looking up their names...

My name is a dog name :) (okay technically Madeline shows as a mostly human name but I go by Maddy 99% of the time so)

Twitter: @MaddyChloride

...and there are definitely some surprises!

Did this thing and...woof My real name is SO rare it can't even tell if it's a dog name or human name when I type it in (it just says "name not found"

Twitter: @FireballUwu

Because it's fun to argue about these things, here are 40 "divisive" names that people love to argue about being more dog or more human.
