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这部电影拍摄了简·奥斯丁(Jane Austen)的经典作品,并完全使其成为自己的经典作品,在这部令人惊叹的新杰作中添加到了酷儿电影佳能中。

A classic becomes a classic once again

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幸运的是消防岛is not only a great adaptation, but a new LGBTQ+ film classic that beautifully translates queer culture to the screen, using its傲慢与偏见根源讲述一个关于种族,阶级和爱情的精湛故事。消防岛is the rare film that shows the best and worst of the queer community through a story told on queer terms.

消防岛is director Andrew Ahn’s third feature film, with the script by Joel Kim Booster also in his first starring role. The film is a rare rom-com that puts the power of its storytelling in its smaller moments, with its actors giving flawless performances, while still staying true to its queerness.

As we meet Noah’s best friend Howie, played by the exceptional Bowen Yang, along with their other chosen family, including Margaret Cho, Matt Rogers, Tomás Matos, and Torien Miller, we also meet the true Fire Island and the unfortunate truths of the gay scene dominated by white buff gay men looking for sex.

傲慢与偏见gets yassified

Margaret Cho, Matt Rogers, Tomás Matos, Torien Miller, Bowen Yang, and Joel Kim Booster.


诺亚想在字面上和形象上出去爆炸,诺亚试图帮助他的好朋友豪伊(Howie)躺下,直到他们遇到詹姆斯·斯库利(James Scully)扮演的查理(Charlie),这是一位医生,他似乎太好了,同时将他的一群不友好的朋友带入诺亚(Noah)轨道。



A queer film on queer terms

Margaret Cho, Matt Rogers, Tomás Matos, Bowen Yang, and Joel Kim Booster.

The film shows its teeth early on, with one character reciting the gross, but common Grindr bio adage "no fats, no femmes, no Asians" in the first couple of minutes, which may sound extreme to those not on Grindr, but very familiar to those anywhere across the world who have used it.

These searing tidbits picked from present-day gay culture are sprinkled constantly throughout the movie, threading the romance plots of Austen’s original work wonderfully with the eccentrics of modern queer life at its center.



乔尔·金·布斯特(Joel Kim Booster)留下了自己的印记

Conrad Ricamora和Joel Kim Booster

It may not seem like Joel Kim Booster's first starring role or his first feature script, as his command of both roles is clear from the very beginning, but it's clear that he will be one to watch after this film.

Booster’s script is a wonderful mix of everything needed to make a good queer film, highlighting the little joys that queer people find, like counting down the sunset in ridiculous fashion, yet showing the harsh realities of it, like the heartbreak of Yang’s Howie, who feels lesser because he hasn’t had a boyfriend at 30 and doesn't fit the stereotypical mold he thinks he needs for true love.

Booster's role as our protagonist is great as well, mostly because he earns our praise, with his role not really taking flight until the sparks start to fly with Will, played by Conrad Ricamora, Charlie's uptight friend who spends a lot of energy making things hard for Noah's matchmaking dreams.

While it's clear the two will end up together, their story through the film goes from forced to genuine, with their queerness informing the hesitation amidst every character in this film. As Will, Ricamora gets the chance to trick the viewers into thinking this film will fall to rom-com trope hell, but soon shows that he is just trying to protect his queer family like Noah.


马特·罗杰斯(Matt Rogers),鲍恩·杨(Bowen Yang)和托马斯·马托斯(Tomas Matos)

Bowen Yang and James Scully as Howie and Charlie, respectively, are utter perfection every moment they are on screen. Yang’s Howie represents a lot of queer people who feel like they are unwanted in the queer community, displaying a tempered anxiety around the privileges of the life that Charlie lives.


Scully as Charlie is instantly like a wholesome little kitten, making it so much easier for you to root for Howie and him to get together. Charlie's unaware authenticity provides a wonderful change of pace as a gay love interest, letting their pure intentions shine through.

The two’s chemistry helps carry the entire movie along, keeping you guessing about their future and becoming one of the primary driving forces behind this movie's greatness.

A great cast help propel rom-com greatness

Margaret Cho, Matt Rogers, Tomás Matos, Torien Miller, Conrad Ricamora, and Joel Kim Booster.

Unapologetically over-the-top characters in comedies can be dangerous. However, Tomás Matos and Matt Rogers as Keegan and Luke are two superstars every single moment they are on screen.

While the central plot keeps them to the sidelines, they eat up every moment of screen time they get and help you fall instantly in love with them and the rest of the cast. From Matos’ Keegan telling the sun “I’ll see you tomorrow, girl,” to Rogers’ throwing up in an awful man's vase, these two standouts will be ones to watch.


Despite being based on a romance classic, the twists and turns of the story do not feel contrived, with the love feeling fresh and hopeful, something the gays do not get a lot of.





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