

    Despite being a quality film,Bros从一开始就面对艰苦的战斗,因为它是在几乎死流派中的戏剧发行,同时营销自己的事物并非如此。


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    No film had more of a formidable task this year than兄弟

    自比利·艾希纳(Billy Eichner)的酷儿rom-com开始以来,从全lgbtq+演员阵容中旋转了很多,它是同类“第一”之一,而这部电影的想法更大,更多的是是革命性的。



    在电影院的糟糕时期,我们如何期望电影剧院成为奇怪的人所希望的一切时,当剧院中99.9%的其他电影中的99.9%只是忽略LGBTQ+ People and Themes时,我们希望将一部电影成为现实?


    Billy Eichner和Luke MacFarlane在兄弟中。


    近年来,虽然有一些杰出人物Crazy Rich Asians迷失的城市, those films succeeded on many other factors, with the rom-com aspects pushed to the back. Whether it was using a best-selling novel to garner an immediate support base or simply marketing the film as a comedy with some romance, the few successes in the genre have basically let the film industry know that rom-com films are not where to make the money.

    Most of the success of rom-coms, especially queer ones, have been on streamers, like消防岛, who did not have to depend on a massive traditional press cycle, while also letting the movie be more accessible, allowing the film to not need A-list actors to garner an audience.


    Brosis a queer rom-com in the age of "firsts."

    Billy Eichner和Luke MacFarlane在兄弟中。

    Unfortunately forBros,这部电影很好,但不是杰作。

    在发行后,市场营销的共识是这部电影是革命性的。值得称赞的是,这部电影是由一家大型工作室发行的LGBTQ+电影的稀有性,这实际上还没有完成。爱, Simon. However, after seeing the movie, it's hard to praise the merits of aspects like its all-queer casting, when 95% of the dialogue is done by two cis-white gays, one whose character is basically a buff, masc, "I'm not like those other gays" gay.

    When the film is constantly being praised in the marketing for its all-LGBTQ+ cast, it just feels weird when some genuine talents like TS Madison, Miss Lawrence, Dot Marie-Jones, and Bowen Yang have barely any lines in the few scenes they show up. When the marketing makes the film seem likeBrosis the start of a new era and the film ends just being a solid rom-com, it's a puzzling feeling.

    比利·艾希纳(Billy Eichner)的错是他炒作了这部酷儿电影的酷儿方面吗?我要说的是,实际上,环球影业可能以2万美元以上的电影的每一英寸进行协调,就像他们拍摄的所有其他异性恋电影一样。比利·艾希纳(Billy Eichner)和参与其中的每个人都在制作一部声音喜剧和感人的浪漫史上所需的一切,但有时候,足够好,只是不够好。


    The board of the LGBTQ+ history museum in Bros.

    Broshad a lot to overcome no matter what, but causes for concern were very present before a single review had come out.

    It's hard as a queer person to trust any major production that includes LGBTQ+ themes or characters, because the major film industry has earned no favors in the queer community.

    在漫威电影《宇宙》(有史以来最大的电影系列之一复仇者:最终游戏(another film that hyped up its "first" queer character) ended up being a one-minute cameo from an unnamed character with two lines and literally no name. Even now, we still get piecemeal representation sanitized down to be palatable to straight audiences.

    当您看其他工作室时,情况也不会变得更好。格拉德(Glaad,我强烈建议那些对大型电影制片厂对LGBTQ+ People的热烈欢迎的人表示好奇。如果您想要悬崖,trans,bi,poc和女性在很大程度上被录音室电影中的照片(Bros在cluded).

    Independent films have a long history of including LGBTQ+ stories and themes, which opens queer people to seeing them, as experience shows that a film from a major studio with queer characters or themes rarely does a good enough job, whereas independent/mid-sized budget films are kinder to queer audiences.

    The marketing didBrosmore harm than anything.


    在领导中,Broswas marketed as a queer film "that you can bring your straight friends to," which isn't the first thing an LGBTQ+ person wants to know when looking for queer content. When so many of the headlines revolve around the film's importance for the LGBTQ+ community, it isn't a good sign when the marketing says the film conformed enough to straight standards, a thinly veiled way of saying the film is for straight people, too.

    异性恋者可以享受LGBTQ+ Entertainment,但他们还拥有99%的娱乐活动。因此,当电影的卖点是“直人也会喜欢它!”这就是电影中的酷儿内容被淡化为更广泛的观众,这与LGBTQ+营销非常清楚的重要性并不匹配。LGBTQ+主题和故事通常对异性恋者不友好,因为我们生活在一个由异性恋者决定的世界中,因此遭受了痛苦,因此我们珍惜这些纯粹对同志们的酷儿的作品。

    作为一个酷儿的人,他一生都在消耗淡化的酷儿内容,旨在不打扰直觉的观众,Bros和its "bring your straight friend" tag didn't excite me. In the age of films like消防岛,月光,甚至Netflix的俗气的同性恋圣诞节电影,Single All the Way,很难为Bros,在看到它之后,即使这很奇怪,也很难捍卫它除了一部非常好的电影。

    This shouldn't (and won't) be the end of major LGBTQ+ films.

    Screenshot from "Bros"

    由于推出和不良票房Bros, a thousand things have been said about what happened and what it means.

    The most concerning thread of conversation surrounds the fears that its failure may keep other LGBTQ+ films from happening, which considering the amount heterosexual films that flop harder each week, is just unfair. Being a queer person, I do fully believe that unfortunately,兄弟失败会影响未来的LGBTQ+电影,因为最终,电影业是一家专注于赚钱的资本主义企业,而不是让人们开心或公平。

    Luckily, LGBTQ+ films fare far better on streaming services, and LGBTQ+ content on television is better than ever.

    Broswill escape this bad press soon enough. It will probably end up on streaming and cable syndication, where it will get the chance to be seen by so many queer people who will love it and smile. While it will fade, ultimately, it will succeed by simply existing, showing any of its queer viewers that they deserve (and will achieve) happiness.
