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    Sophie Turner Is Going To Be In A New Show Called "Survive"

    We'll be watching.

    Off-screen, Sophie Turner often has a smile on her face. But anyone who's watchedGame of Thronesis aware of how quickly that can fade when she steps into character.

    After all, it was a pretty dark experience to play Sansa Stark.

    But Sophie's first TV role in the wake ofGame of Thronesdoes not sound much easier, to be honest.

    The story takes place in the aftermath of a plane crash, which only Jane and Paul survive.

    In her statement about signing up to play Jane, Sophie offered words of support to anyone struggling.

    "I couldn't be more honored to portray the role of Jane in Survive for Quibi," she said. "[Jane]'s a complex character fighting against the odds to not only save her life, but to also find her own source of strength and courage. I only hope this can impact anyone struggling with self-worth to understand they are braver than they know and to seek the support they need."

    It may be a while before we get to see the series,Survive, because it recently started production.

    If you or someone you know is having suicidal thoughts, you can find support at theNational Suicide Prevention Lifelineat 800-273-8255.
