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1。Wanting to kiss Jasmine:

"I used to be in love with all the Disney girls and had like, zero interest in the guys. I had this huge Disney storybook and I would fold down the pages where I thought the girls looked the cutest so I could come back and stare at them. We also used to have this HUGE Aladdin poster in our basement and I would sneak down there to kiss Jasmine and the harem girls all the time."








4。Watching Alan Cumming do Cabaret:

"I was watchingThe Vicki Lawrence Show,艾伦·卡明(Alan Cumming)表演了歌舞表演。我几乎是一个十几岁的人,但是我已经讯问了一段时间。这使交易达成了。”






"In elementary school I literally told my friends “I wish I could marry a girl.” Yep, a totally normal straight girl thing to say."


7。Barbie and Ken drama:

"When I was a kid, I had a big Barbie house and all sorts of fancy furniture. I had a little Barbie family that lived in there, which included a Ken doll.


Of course, years AF and I still don’t want any boys in my bed!"


8.Having deep "admiration":

"I REALLY admired my fellow female students and always wanted their attention and for them to like me. I’d blush when they looked at me or talk to me. I remember really liking one girl and I cried when she got a boyfriend. Needless to say when I was in my late teens I realized I was a lesbian."


9.The movie阿瓦隆高

"Britt Robertson in the Disney channel original movie,阿瓦隆高。十岁的我不知道为什么她喜欢漂亮,运动型的金发女郎,穿着盔甲并拿着剑,但是该死的她仍然喜欢它。”


10。Certain ~spicy~ dreams:

"When I was in high school, there was this girl who bullied me constantly, but I always had “spicy” dreams about her, and I constantly wanted to push her buttons so she would give me attention. LOL."



"When I was in 6th grade I was in a school play where I played the male lead (I'm a female). It was — you guessed it —Romeo and Juliet。在“大吻”中间,我想知道拥有自己的朱丽叶会是什么样。我的小宝贝女同性恋自我需要帮助。”



"I once worked an entire weekend on a elf princess version portrait of a pretty girl in my class when I was in high school. The reason? She'd mentioned she was into fantasy and I desperately wanted her to notice me. Never done that for a dude."


13。Getting unexpected butterflies:

"My friend and I used to pretend we were the two foxes from the狐狸和猎犬movie. I played the guy fox and she was the girl fox and we pretended to be in a relationship. Every time we would cuddle and pretend to flirt I would get these butterflies in my stomach. Seeing as this was when I was around seven, I have definitely always been gay, even if I didn't know it yet."


14。Fantasizing about kissing Keira Knightly:

“当我七岁大约七岁时,在当地市政厅举办公主主题的生日聚会是一种趋势,您知道,带有不良的DJ和派对袋。无论如何,我的朋友们都争辩说谁必须成为灰姑娘’d be Captain Jack Sparrow because (and I quote my seven-year-old self) “he gets to kiss Keira Knightly”. When I came out, my parents said they’d know I was a lesbian since that moment lmao."


15。Getting "friend crushes":




“当我在青春期时,我的卧室里有一张乔纳森·泰勒·托马斯(Jonathan Taylor Thomas)的海报,因为我认为他是“很酷的”和一个好演员。我认为我不能说出他所做的三件事。”


17。Writing love letters disguised as farewell notes:




I was around 13 and watching世界还不够。当伊莱克特拉(Electra)死后,我哭了,因为我以为她太漂亮了,无法死亡。


19.Just being really happy for...everyone else:

"I went to my first pride parade with my best friend after she came out. Seeing happy gay couples and the "free hugs moms" made me extremely happy and also very sad. I was on the verge of tears almost the whole time. I kept saying it was just because I was an ally and I was happy they could be themselves ."





21。Having a thing for your teacher:

"When I was in 7th grade (12 years old) I always imagined being able to hug my math teacher. She was young and incredibly gorgeous and I’d daydream about talking to her and she’d give me a hug. 12 years later I realize wanting a hug was just the start of my brain wanting to experience the touch of a female. LOL."





23。Googling very gay things:

"I remember at around age 10 looking up girls kissing each other and I still thought I was straight."


24。Being jealous of boys for only one reason:



25。Michelle Pfeiffer being "really neat":

“非常着迷于米歇尔·菲佛(Michelle Pfeiffer)作为猫女。我一直以为她真的很整洁。已经25年了,我仍然爱上了她。”



"I made up award shows in high school, and my friends would be nominated... and there were musical segments from musicals."


27。Having a thing for men in togas:

"Watching the first 20 minutes of Harry Hamlin inClash Of The Titans一遍又一遍。我大约12岁,一直说我有多喜欢摄影。”



When I was a kid we would always watchWheel of Fortuneand every time a contestant would spin the wheel I would stand next to the TV and applaud, pretending to be Vanna White. And yet I didn't come out until I was 21 :-P.


29。And finally, having a crush but not realizing it could possibly be a crush:

"My best friend in middle school and I were super close. I always thought about how pretty she was. One time, she did the whole 'lay on top of me to do my makeup' thing and I remember holding my breath but I didn’t know why. Turns out I was head over heels for her ♀️."

