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    27 Of The Most Shocking And Heartbreaking Regrets People Have From Their Teen Years


    I've always believed everything happens for a reason. But looking back, we've all have made small or big decisions when we were younger that we wish we could change now.

    So, recently, this viral thread where a Redditor asked the internet,"What was your biggest teenage mistake?"had people sharing the mistakes they made during their teen years that they'll never forget — and it will pull at your heartstrings.



    1。"Not realizing that my parents weren’t doing the best job raising me or preparing me for adulthood — and realizing I should maybe take matters into my own hands."


    a teen on the couch talking to their mom

    2。"Having a phone. It wasted 10 years of my life (still going) and negatively impacted everything from my social skills to my overall intelligence. I'm 19 years old now, and I don't feel like I'm ready for real life: having a job, having a girlfriend, buying a car, etc. It just seems like too much for me."





    “照顾您的身体 - 这是您唯一拥有的。


    someone working with wood




    "On the other hand, a dude who kinda bullied me in high school apologized to me around the same time (maybe a year earlier), and I accepted it because he really turned his life around. My niece later had the guy for a class and told me that he tells students about how horrible he was to people when he was younger and encourages his student to not follow in his path."


    student crying and leaning against a wall

    5."Getting waaaaaay too hung up on someone and being kinda creepy about it. It was a pretty nasty awakening once I realized that I was making them uncomfortable and that I needed to stop. Thankfully, I had the good sense to just spend a year working on myself and figuring out how to be, like, emotionally healthy."

    "Reevaluating your preconceptions and biases is really awful work, but I will say, it's well worth it. It made me much happier in the long run, and got me past most of the worst of my dating troubles. Plus, I might have dodged becoming an incel or something. I don't know if I ever would've gotten that bad, but in retrospect, I think I might've once been vaguely on that path. I just wish I could undo being creepy towards my friend. That's harm I've done that I'm not really ever gonna get back or be able to fix."


    guy and woman talking outside

    6."Marrying my 18-year-old self to a 40-year-old who'd been grooming me for three years, just to spite my mother."

    "0/10, would not recommend."



    7."My biggest teenage mistake was not being kind to myself. My teenage years were some of the hardest in my life: trauma after trauma, disappointment after disappointment — and I always blamed myself for them all. It wasn't until recently that I could start looking back and realized that it really wasn't my fault. I did a lot more than most would have in my situation. And even though I had terrible teenage years, it's not a reflection on who I am, but more a reflection on what I was going through."

    "It makes coming to terms with losing out on that part of your life much easier. I wish I had this mindset much earlier."








    "I went to college at 18 and wasn't ready for the experience and wound up wasting a couple years drinking/partying. If I had justnotgone straight to a four-year and gotten a job for a couple years and lived with my parents or even compromised and gone to a junior college and worked part-time on the side, I would have had tens of thousands less in debt to pay off in my 20s and early 30s."



    10。"I took teenage stereotypes too seriously. Like, I thought the kind of dynamics you saw in teen moves were real: jocks were all dumb a-holes, nerdy kids were smart virgins, etc. It took me an embarrassing amount of time to realize that people are people and that I was severely limiting myself by assigning myself a 'role.'"



    11。"Jumping from relationship to relationship. Part of me wishes I could’ve explored who I was without someone attached to me. I was too emotionally immature to even handle serious relationships. Now, I feel like I hurt some people, and was hurt by some people — all of it unnecessary. I did, however, end up meeting my wife and mother to my beautiful daughter."

    "I don’t regret that at all. However, it would’ve been nice to end up in the position I’m in without all the teenage stupid drama."


    hand on top of another



    classic convertible car



    “我十几岁的时候很社交,但是在20多岁的过程中,我对付出很多努力失去了兴趣。我只是停止关心别人的想法,并意识到很多“朋友”我had were shallow relationships with people who didn’t give a crap about me."








    open book and notebook on a table




    group of teens sitting on a bench

    16."Trying to be more mature. Since childhood, I prided myself on being an extremely smart person who was above things like 'cartoons' and 'playing.' Of course, I still liked those things, but I desperately tried to hide it even though literally nobody actually cared."

    "Even though I'm older now and know that people don't care, I still find myself tabbing away from cartoons and pausing games when people try to see what I'm doing. That instinct is still there. I usually just force myself to resume what I was doing, but I feel like I'd be better off if I didn't have the desire to prove myself to others as a kid."


    teen playing video games



    “我们大多数人在某个时候都经历了这一点。对我来说,这是可爱的Imogen。我从我们那里认识她,在当地的新闻社上都有纸。我们在收集论文时首先见面。我问她有关她独特的信息口音。事实证明她聋了,有一个耳蜗植入。这使一个尴尬,但又咯咯地又道歉的时刻。我们最终聊天了很多并立即建立了联系。我很高兴能像我一样和她成为朋友一样在学校里很孤单,她在另一所学校。几个月后,她承认她真的在MSN Messenger上喜欢我。”

    “她步行不远,我说我会过来。我记得她在门口,看上去很动摇,不确定该怎么做。我们徘徊,几乎聊天了一切 - 除了她说的话。我们回去她,她回家了,I kicked myself all the way home for not saying that I liked her back — something that I hadn't really realized until then. But I didn't have the guts to turn around, and our friendship sort of fizzled out.

    School ended, and she moved away. She has vanished from social media, so I haven't had any communication with her in many years. And no, this story doesn't end with 'I've since found my true love.'"



    18.“高中足球。我的医生建议我反对,但我14岁,'知道一切。'Putting my body through four years of abuse was not worth what I got out of it. Today, I’m 33 and wake up with a stiff neck every day. My right shoulder has a ton of scar tissue, my elbow has a bone chip, my jaw clicks/pops if I open it too wide, and both of my knees ache when it gets too cold."

    "Also, our team sucked."


    football players stretching

    19."I didn't let myself have much fun. I always thought about things like I was already an adult and always had to be responsible and mature. There are a lot of things I passed up that could have been really fun had I just let myself enjoy life a little."



    20。"Not taking better care of my teeth. You have to floss. I always brushed my teeth but never flossed. Ruined my teeth. I’ve had to have many dentist appointments to fix cavities in between my teeth. I’m only 28, and my teeth were rotting from the cracks in between."


    "Adding to this: Not wearing my retainer after braces. My teeth slowly moved back into wonky OG position in about a year and a half. Total waste of time and money for my parents."


    close up of teeth with braces




    22。"Spending a large inheritance I got when I was 18 in 2009. I could have owned a property by now."



    23。"Forcing myself to fall in love with someone. I didn't love her; I was in love with the idea of a girlfriend. Now to be fair, she made the same mistake. She didn't love me. It was a bad relationship."


    我们几乎分手的次数超过了我的观点:每隔几个月左右,通常是她试图与我分手,但这从来没有真正结束我们的关系。I tried breaking up with her a few times, too, because it just felt like we were too afraid to leave(并不是说当时我知道 - 当时,我可能认为更多类似的事情并没有发生)。最终,她确实与我分手了,我花了一些时间才意识到我从来没有真正爱上她,而是对地位/有女友的想法。直到我开始解决整个事情时,我似乎并没有像彼此那样喜欢彼此,这就是为什么我们与我们所做的尽可能多的斗争,并且对最随机的事情遇到了问题。最终,我认为这是一个错误,但我不再对她或我自己反对。毕竟我们是青少年,犯这样的错误是很常见的。”


    the back of a woman's head






    close up of someone on a video call

    26。"Driving under the influence when I got my first car. I used to drive when going out with friends under the guise of not drinking, but inevitably, I would end up having a couple drinks and would drive home anyway. Never got drunk to the point of being a severe danger behind the wheel, but it was still stupid as hell."

    "My 33-year-old self shudders now at my own idiocy."



    27。“成为我最好的朋友的绝对是一个洞。t毕业后几年发生了),我不明白她为什么停止与我说话,我为此而生气。我回头看我那时所做的事情或者当时的意思是 - 就像,我取笑​​了她如何吃东西,我从她身上偷了食物,我会比她友好地解释她的手臂要好得多,我遇到了许多情况,她感到不舒服(非常清楚)。她多次感到难以置信的不安全。事实是,直到我23岁左右,我才开始了解这种理解。”

    "That was five years after she stopped talking to me. For that entire time, I didn't understand why she had stopped talking to me, and I was upset over it.我完全了解自己有多可怕,这不是另外三年的治疗。Most of those three years were me trying to excuse my actions with every reason under the sun and my therapist, who had the patience of a saint, calmly shooting down every excuse and diving into why I thought it was a viable excuse.

    This is a big part of why I advocate that while disabilities, neurological issues, and mental health issues can help EXPLAIN why a person acts a certain way, it doesn't EXCUSE the harm that they do due to those actions. Trying to reach out to her to try to apologize seems cheap now; what can you say for a situation like that? I'd really rather not dig up the past for her — she doesn't deserve that. She's moved on with her life, and frankly, I'm incredibly glad that her life doesn't involve me. She didn't deserve what I put her through, and she deserves to be happy."


    What was your biggest teenage mistake? Let us know in the comments below.

