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    Hayley Kiyoko Read Thirst Tweets, And...It's A Fact, She Really Is Lesbian Jesus

    This is NOT a drill.

    Hayley Kiyoko— aka Lesbian Jesus — has walked among us, folks. She's also read the thirsty things you've tweeted about her, and she's got some thoughts.

    A closeup of Hayley

    In honor of her new album,Panorama,BuzzFeed invited Hayley to sit down, relax, have a chat...and read your thirst tweets .

    Hayley poses for a photo

    Things started out pretty tame...

    Hayley reading a tweet saying she's stunning, and responding "Aww, that's a nice way to start my day, thank you"

    ...she was even honored!

    Hayley reading a tweet saying she's the lesbian Jesus of her wet dreams, and Hayley responding "Wow, I'm so honored, and concerned"

    But in perfect thirst tweets fashion, things escalated very, VERY quickly.

    Hayley reading a tweet that says "Hayley so cute I wanna eat it from the back," and responding "That would be a no-zone for me"

    She was, in fact, bamboozled.

    Hayley saying she hopes her parents aren't watching this video

    Watch all of Hayley's shocked but sweet reactions here:

    View this video on YouTube

    And be sure to listen to her new album,Panorama,which is streaming now!
