
    LeBron James Slams The Media For Failing To Question Him About Jerry Jones Photo

    Does anti-Blackness carry heavy consequences?

    The media has never been shy when it comes to pressing LeBron James about big news stories. And he's从来没有害怕说出他的想法, either.

    So that's why James found it strange that the press hasn't asked his opinion about the controversial photo of Jerry Jones thatthe Washington Postpublished recently.

    Owner of @dallascowboys, Jerry Jones, addresses the 1957 photo showing him among a group of white students confronting Black students. Here’s what he had to say. https://t.co/vBC2tfPP3x





    This rubbed many in the Black community the wrong way, especially after the recent controversy surrounding Kyrie Irving. (Not to mention Jones' stance againstkneeling during the National Anthem和the fact he has从来没有雇用过黑人主教练)。

    詹姆士, and countless other NBA players, were questioned endlessly when it came to Irvingsharing an antisemitic documentary in October.

    凯里·欧文(Kyrie Irving)的双手

    詹姆士spoke关于当时他的前队友,他说:“我个人,我不宽容任何仇恨。对于任何种族。对于犹太社区,黑人社区,亚洲社区。相信凯里(Kyrie)对很多人造成了一些伤害。从那以后,他一直在 - 我认为是今天或昨天 - 他道歉。但是他造成了一些伤害,我认为这很不幸。”

    Cleveland Cavaliers' LeBron James and Kyrie Irving high five

    欧文是暂停分享纪录片以及refusingto give a透明和详细的解释for what made him share the documentary in the first place. During the fallout, Irving did模糊地表达that he explored the doc in an effort to reconnect with his own Hebrew roots.

    欧文是also presented a laundry list of demands by the NBA and the Brooklyn Nets to satisfy the suspension. Manyathletes评论员他们表达了他们认为凯里返回的规定过多的规定,并实施了“行为”巴克打破。”

    Kyrie Irving thoughts: I do NOT take the position that I speak for ALL black people. I speak for myself & my experiences.I come to the table with my sword down. I come to the table to engage in dialogue with empathy. We have to continue to EXCHANGE….


    Buck breaking was the act of slave owners punishing their enslaved population by taking the biggest and strongest of them and beating them brutally in front of everyone. In essence, the deed was to show the others that the "buck" could be broken, so nobody else stood a chance. Often, the "buck" was raped with brooms by the slave owner.


    While Kyrie was facing the repercussions of his actions, many in the Black community expressed how they hoped anti-Blackness would come with the same consequences as antisemitism. And this Jerry Jones situation may be proving that anti-Blackness doesn't come with any consequences at all. And LeBron made it a point to bring this up at a recent post-game interview.


    勒布朗·詹姆斯(LeBron James)想知道为什么媒体很快向他询问凯里·欧文(Kyrie Irving)之后,为什么还没有问他1957年牛仔老板杰里·琼斯(Jerry Jones)的照片。更多:https://t.co/r6ibn5p4ls

    Twitter: @espn

    "I got one question for you guys before you guys leave," hestarted. "I was thinking when I was on my way over here, I was wondering why I haven't gotten a question from you guys about the Jerry Jones photo. But when the Kyrie [Irving] thing was going on, you guys were quick to ask us questions about that."

    LeBron wears a Black Lives Matter shirt

    “但是在我看来,整个杰里·琼斯(Jerry Jones)的情况,照片 - 我知道那是几年前,我们都犯了错误,我明白了 - 但是看来它只是被埋葬在下面,就像'哦,yabo.com发生了。好的,我们只是继续前进。我只是对我没有从你们那里收到这个问题感到失望,”詹姆斯说。


