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    People Need To Stop Reminding Robert Irwin That His Father Is Dead Every Time He Posts A TikTok

    Rob: "Who wants to hear something cool about animals?!" The public: "It's been 5,781 days since your father passed."

    As you may already know, Aussie animal king and lover of all things wildlife-related Robert Irwin isofficially active on TikTok.

    But what you may not have noticed is how every time Rob posts a quirky animal fact, or a zesty lil' educational video, the comment section absolutely explodes with an outpouring of grief for his late father, Steve "The Crocodile Hunter" Irwin.

    TikTok user@sa99ymaggiesummed it up best in this viral video, which has clocked up more than 4 million views:

    In the short clip, Maggie deftly captures the entire mood of his comment section, saying: "Your dad is dead...and I miss him."

    Maggie talking in her TikTok video

    And look, I'm not here to police how people feel — Steve's death was a huge tragedy, and talking about him obviously brings great comfort to people. But if you think we're being overly dramatic about the state of his comment section, just check out this snapshot of sentiment:

    A collage of comments mentioning Steve Irwin

    In the comment section of Maggie's TikTok, users were quick to agree with her observation — calling the responses on Rob's videos straight-up traumatic:

    A comment on Maggie's TikTok
    A comment on Maggie's TikTok

    It's one thing for the public to share their fond memories of Steve Irwin on a post that actually calls for it — say, thistouching tribute from Robfor the recent American Father's Day:

    But I just reckon that there's a time and place, so maybe hold off on the outpouring of grief when Rob's just enjoying some BMX riding, or enjoying a much-deserved holiday around Australia.

    No matter where you fall on the debate, remember to always keep your comments respectful, kindhearted, andmaybea little less grief-laden?

    But that's just me... I'm keen to hear your thoughts on the issue in the comments below!
