Hello, Jay. (Spoilers for anyone who hasn't listened to Episode 8.)"> “连续”的问题和模型的少数民族神话 - yabo.com



在一开始的串行受欢迎的新的播客美国生活、主机莎拉Koenig描述的故事有Min Lee和Adnan Syed作为“莎士比亚的混搭”。The true story of the 1999 murder of 18-year-old Hae, Koenig says, combines the "young lovers from different worlds thwarting their families" of罗密欧与朱丽叶的“最后凶残的报复行为”《奥赛罗》。Koenig描述既是解释她的长达一年的迷恋和承诺的听众,我们不会失望的缓慢展开故事。比喻菌株适应Adnan,有几次有惊无险的前男友她被判犯有谋杀罪,但Koenig运行:Adnan”不是一个沼泽,而是一个穆斯林都是一样的。”

Koenig试图槽Adnan Syed成一个典型的种族比喻表明她是如何对待她的种族和民族身份。作为周杰伦里海Kang指出用锥子扎,串行患有康所说的“新闻”的白人特权的定义——白色的翻译“横扫社区,她不理解“作为新闻真相,展示她简单的结论。Koenig otherizes和则移民文化而未能得出任何有经验的之间的区别第一代韩国移民和Adnan的第二代美籍巴基斯坦人家庭的生活。对许多人的颜色,我想听Koenig谈论意味着什么有“移民父母”是类似于观众的中国学生的经历当马克·扎克伯格说普通话上个月30分钟。很高兴,你的努力,但这并不意味着你做任何意义。


已经和Adnan接受模型少数治疗串行从一开始。已经向我们介绍了“聪明、美丽、快乐和一个伟大的运动员”以及大多数亚洲的刻板印象——“负责任”。Adnan fills the role as well. Koenig allows Rabia Chaudry, a family friend, to provide our first portrait of Adnan: "He was an honor roll student, volunteer EMT. He was on the football team. He was a star runner on the track team. He was the homecoming king. He led prayers at the mosque. Everybody knew Adnan to be somebody who was going to do something really big." Koenig largely confirms Chaudry's description, with the caveats that he was paid to be an EMT, wasn't a "star" on the track team, and was prom prince, not homecoming king.

Adnan填补这个角色的能力模型的少数民族,很明确,Koenig背后的推动力的整个参与此案。他是好,南亚的儿子,跟你很不一样的想法暴力杀手。她描述了他的“巨大的棕色的眼睛像奶牛”,问道,“像这样的人真的扼杀他的女朋友?”She says, "He just doesn't seem like a murderer." After six months of investigation and phone conversations with Adnan, she responds to his question about why she is so interested in his case by saying, "My interest in it honestly has been you, like, you're a really nice guy."


Koenig Adnan的帧的情况符合这个动态很容易,和她不能对待种族细微差别和洞察力让她油漆Jay少数模型的对应:威胁和不可靠的黑人。七个月后调查开始,Koenig访问杰伊的房子寻求面试。没有记录的会议后,执行制片人朱莉·斯奈德(也是白人妇女)说,周杰伦是“非常有礼貌”,“甜”,但“你可以看到他的打击,但在一个更沮丧,可以理解。”Koenig's discussion of Jay is in some ways a mirror image of that of Adnan and Hae: Every positive detail is surprising, while the potentially negative details are assumed. "He played lacrosse, for Christ's sake," she says with bemused exasperation. (Hae also played the stereotypically white sport.)

经过无数次的采访周杰伦的朋友,Koenig总结杰:“周杰伦没有来自同一家庭的很多其他的孩子一起玩。他和他的祖父母生活在一起和他的妈妈,但他的朋友说他似乎或多或少地照顾自己。他一直工作,母亲依赖他。”It's an evocative picture of a stereotypical urban black youth, but it's notable that Koenig did not comment in the same way on the fact that both Hae and Adnan also had jobs, and, according to the巴尔的摩太阳报,已经的父亲并不在她的生活。Koenig引用来源称周杰伦“所谓的阴暗,你不会想要推他,“和一个建议,他的“残暴的氛围是一个姿势,杰伊穿上显得艰难。”Perhaps the greatest mark against Jay is phrased in a prison metaphor — not one that Koenig came up with, but one that she chooses to use nonetheless: "Jay wasn't in the magnet program at Woodlawn. He was 'gen pop' — their term, not mine — like general population at a prison," Koenig says.

Koenig甚至认为国家和Adnan的陪审团更有可能相信周杰伦的证词,因为他的种族:“周杰伦看起来像斗败了的公鸡。巴尔的摩。陪审团的一半是黑色,七12。周杰伦可能从这个漂亮的年轻人,这白夫人大喊大叫他。”The idea that Jay or any black person would be treated as more trustworthy by this country's criminal justice system by virtue of his blackness is just an astoundingly ignorant suggestion for anyone to make. Whether or not black jury members were predisposed to believe him, Jay had already run the gauntlet of the police and prosecutors in a system designed to criminalize him. The fact that he made it through without being incarcerated is remarkable. That串行出手将他在该州代替激怒。


