





    "Me and 2 other guys share an apartment together and we split all the bills. The only thing we don’t split costs on is groceries. Everyone’s in charge of buying their own food and we don’t touch whatever doesn’t belong to us in the fridge. We put our names on everything so no one gets mixed up."


    “我的一位室友R,一直在偷我的食物。我下班回家,有时剩菜剩饭的容器(他们写上了我的名字),或者我的东西太快完成了。例如,我的加仑牛奶。I buy almond milk because I like the taste. But it seems to finish after a week even though I’ve only drank once or twice."


    "My other roommate and I carpool together because we both work the same early morning shifts around the same area so I know it’s not him. It’s always after we get back home and R’s already left for work that I notice my food’s gone. My roommate’s also had a similar problem but not as often as I do. I’m guessing cause R doesn’t like what he buys."


    “上周,我的牛奶几乎又空了,我被吞噬了。我去了酒店买了常规乳制牛奶。我喝了杏仁牛奶剩下的东西,并用我买的奶粉补充了加仑。这是CAtch/prove R is the one stealing since he’s lactose intolerant."

    “第二天,星期六,我们下班回来,R很生气。他对我大喊,因为我的牛奶,他被腹泻塞在浴室40分钟;他在用它来摇晃。我只回应了with 'So then you’re the one who’s been stealing?'"

    "He freaking exploded. Yeah he admitted he was 'sometimes' drinking my milk and eating my food but he was more mad that I switched milks than the fact that he was caught. I told him I wouldn’t have done that if he’d just stopped taking my stuff from the fridge or at least told the truth instead of tryna make it seem like I was making it up."

    "My roommate backed me up and thought it was kinda funny he got payback for stealing from us. It’s a little tense right now and my roommate told me R is trying to convince him to agree to kick me out. Little does he know we’re both looking to move somewhere else together cause we are sick of his shit."

    "I told some buddies what happened and a few think I was an asshole for that. I feel like I’m not in the wrong here. He was taking my food and not even owning up to it and I wanted to prove it, does that make me the asshole?"






    “ NTA。这是你的食物,”他们说。

    "You could have put your medicine in it. You could have put a laxative in it or even syrup of ipecac. And I would still say not the asshole. When people steal food, lie about it and don’t replace it, they reap what they sow. Food is expensive, especially milk substitutes. Without replacing the food, he was essentially stealing money from your wallet."



