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    "He insisted on paying the rent until I finish grad school, then we would split the rent based on income."

    I was on the我是混蛋吗?subreddit earlier, and I saw a post that was too irksome not to share.

    基本上,这个女人告诉她,她会因为付房租而与男友搬进去 - 然后一切都崩溃了,所以她搬了出去。这是那个女人所说的,这就是发生的事情u/idiotrichboyfriend:

    "My boyfriend (26M) and I (24F) have been together for 3 years. We live in NYC and he makes over $200k a year, while I’m studying for my masters in social work and have no income. Right now I’m doing an unpaid, yearlong internship 3 days per week, as well as classes 2 days per week."


    "Before I moved in with my boyfriend, there was a roach infestation in my apartment, so I'd stay over at his place a lot. My lease was ending soon, so he asked me if I wanted to live with him. At first I joked with him that his living standards would go down since I can’t afford a nice place, but he insisted on paying the rent until I finish grad school, then we would split the rent based on income."

    The New York skyline

    "I originally wanted to live in a cheaper place in Queens or Brooklyn, but my boyfriend likes his current place and insisted I move in since he would be the one paying the rent. So I moved into his $5K/month luxury condo in the city this August."

    "All of a sudden my boyfriend recently started asking me to pay half the rent ($2.5K/month). I was confused because he was the one who wanted to pay the rent in full. Apparently he was talking to his friends and they all think it's weird that I don’t pay rent and that I was a gold digger."

    A luxury kitchen in a condo

    "I let my boyfriend know that I can’t afford $2.5K/month and he said I was 'leeching' off of him, so I told him that he should find someone within his social class so he doesn’t have to worry about a gold digger like me leeching off of him. I stayed at my friend's place for a few days while figuring out what to do."

    A view of high-rise buildings from below

    “我给妈妈打电话给我的情况,她愿意帮助我,但她负担得起的租金最高为800美元。我在价格范围内找到了一些地方,距离城市不到15分钟,乘坐公共汽车away from my school, so I went to check them out a couple days ago. I’ve been texting the landlord and my new roommates and I already signed the lease."


    "I told my boyfriend about my new place and he got upset and asked me to stay. He said that he was willing to accept $800/month instead of $2.5k/month if that's all I can afford, but I told him I don’t want him changing his mind again and demanding more money from me in the future."

    "He lived in this condo alone for several years, so it’s not like he can’t afford to live there without my help. I wouldn’t mind splitting rent with him, but I would have to live in a more affordable place outside of Manhattan like I originally wanted."


    "Apparently, some of our 'mutual friends' think I’m being unreasonable for moving out instead of talking to him and staying by paying the amount I can afford in rent, and that I shouldn’t have let him pay my portion of the rent. Am I the asshole?"



    One person who goes byu/left-car6520determined the girlfriend was不是the asshole and offered their opinion on the situation:

    "The audacity to suddenly demand a cool $2.5k, after you had an agreement,knowingyou had previously suggested moving somewhere affordable and he insisted, because his friends hurt his ego尽管严重侮辱你,使他看起来虚弱,肤色瘦,以自我为中心,有点操纵,一个可怕的谈判者。”

    Another person who goes byu/moons_and_stars同意。

    "The fact that his friends see you as a gold digger and don’t appear to know the full story (the fact that you offered to pay and to find a cheaper place and he insisted otherwise) is also a red flag to me and makes me question how he talks about you to his friends," they said.

    "Definitely not the asshole and I would question why you would want to date someone who is so easily influenced by his friends' uninformed opinions of you."


    "Not the asshole. This should be a time for you to reevaluate whether you even want to be with this dude. He's easily manipulated by his friends and goes back on his word pretty quickly."



    "I blocked him and his idiot friends on everything. My friends also blocked him since he tried to contact me through them. I'm going to enjoy being single and never relying on a man financially ever again."

    Honestly, good for her.

