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    25 Things You Could Find At Every Year Six Disco In The ‘00s

    Your hair was either full of glitter hairspray, temporary hair colour, or rock-hard gel.

    1.A button-up shirt with that super cool flame print.

    2.A belt with zero function.

    3.Pink streaks, courtesy of Fudge hair dye.

    4.Enough hair gel to cause a fire hazard.

    5.A DJ begrudgingly playing 'Who Let The Dogs Out' and 'Hey Baby' on repeat.

    6.Someone absolutely drenched in Lynx.

    7.And then someone drenched in Britney Spears’ Curious.

    8.A DIY tie-dyed t-shirt.

    9.Diva jewellery everywhere you look.

    10.At least one person wearing sunglasses inside — whether they were Cool Girl coloured sunnies or Cool Boy speed dealers.

    11.Glow sticks worn as bracelets or headbands.

    12.The whole school hall doing the Macarena.

    13.Light-up sneakers.

    14.A fight between girls, which results in at least one person crying dramatically in the bathroom.

    15.At least one Paul Frank t-shirt.

    16.The Visual Arts teacher and the English teacher who have low-key sexual chemistry having “casual chats” in the corner.

    17.A boy and a girl "slow-dancing" by holding each others' shoulders and swaying three feet apart.

    18.The sporty kid wearing a huge basketball singlet that his aunt brought him back from the US.

    19.And a bunch of "cool" boys wearing flat brimmed caps.

    20.Half-full cups of watered-down cordial.

    21.Girls sharing a pot of strawberry Body Shop lip balm.

    22.Boys pushing their friends toward the girls they liked.

    23.And girls saying "will you dance with my friend" to their BFF's crush.

    24.A ton of body glitter.

    25.And finally, everything being caught on film thanks to i-Zones and disposable cameras.
