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    赛琳娜·戈麦斯(Selena Gomez)公开了她患有躁郁症的旅程 - “我不希望这听起来很戏剧性,但我几乎不会把它淘汰”

    "It took a lot of hard work for me to a) accept that I was bipolar, but b) learn how to deal with it because it wasn’t going to go away.”

    Selena Gomez新的纪录片,Selena Gomez: My Mind & Me,premieres on Apple+ this week.

    A promo photo of Selena standing next to a mirror showing her reflection

    Much of the upcoming film explores her ongoing journey living withbipolar disorder, something she talked about freely when she sat down with滚石在过去的几年中聊天纪录片和她的生活。

    Selena looking into a mirror as she sits in a dressing room


    "I’m going to be very open with everybody about this: I’ve been to four treatment centers," she said. "I think when I started hitting my early 20s is when it started to get really dark, when I started to feel like I was not in control of what I was feeling, whether that was really great or really bad."

    She got into what that period of time was like for her, battling pressures both from within the industry and within herself.

    “I never fit in with a cool group of girls that were celebrities. My only friend in the industry really is Taylor [Swift], so I remember feeling like I didn’t belong."

    Selena and Taylor on the Grammy's red carpet together

    And like all of us, she had visions of what her future was supposed to look like, but things didn't quite play out that way.


    “It would start with depression, then it would go into isolation. Then it just was me not being able to move from my bed," she revealed.


    Gomez finally found a psychiatrist who worked with her and helped her find the right mix of medications. “He really guided me. But I had to detox, essentially, from the medications I was on."

    She hopes her new documentary will shed light on a mental health condition that is so often stigmatized, but it didn't come without some hesitation. “I know it has a big message," she said, "but am I the right person to bring it to light? I don’t know.”

    Through the process of making the documentary, she said she "wanted someone to say, 'Selena, this is too intense.' But everyone was like, 'I’m really moved, but are you ready to do this? And are you comfortable?'"

    And she explained that her goal was simple: "Saying that you understood what that feels like. That’s all I want. I know people who have felt those things that don’t know what to do. And I just want that to be normal."

    You can read the full Rolling Stone article这里和streamMy Mind & Meon Apple TV+ starting Nov. 4.

    TheNational Alliance on Mental Illnessis 1-888-950-6264 (NAMI) and provides information and referral services;GoodTherApy.orgis an association of mental health professionals from more than 25 countries who support efforts to reduce harm in therapy.
