

    "When an actor is seen only for her physical beauty, it can be quite offensive. It’s not just men that can be inappropriate sexually; women can as well."

    Sexualization and objectification of women are rampant in Hollywood, but that doesn't mean it only happens to women — men can be sexualized and objectified, too.

    关闭光着膀子的克里斯·派恩(Chris Pine)


    1.Jacob Elordi opened up this year about his struggles feeling sexualized after starring in the亲吻展位franchise and repeatedly having to take his shirt off.


    "At the time, I was super young and got thrown into a world where everyone wanted to talk about my body. … It really fucking bothered me," he他在电影中的光辉场景中。


    “You learn quickly that what people take away from those movies is your stature and your figure,” helater said他的身体的关注,只有在他开始出演时才继续欣快。“您拥有世界各地的各种老年人,只谈论您的样子。”尽管他说这并没有“让他在晚上保持起床”,但他称其为“令人沮丧”,并担心这会影响他自己的自我感知。


    “我认为这不是人们对男人的对话。。。。You’ll go to a shoot and you’ll be getting changed or something, and someone’s like, ‘Oooaaah, would you look?’ Can you imagine if I said to a woman, ‘Daaaaamn, look at your waist!’? Like, see you later. I would never do that, but I think people see it on their screens, so they think it’s okay.”


    2.基特·哈灵顿(Kit Harington)在通过乔恩·斯诺(Jon Snow)在Game of Thrones。像埃洛迪(Elordi)一样,他发现对自己的外观的关注是贬低。“这和女性一样,”哈灵顿说。"When an actor is seen only for her physical beauty, it can be quite offensive. It’s not just men that can be inappropriate sexually; women can as well."

    closeup of Kit as Jon Snow

    "I’m in a successful TV show in a kind of leading-man way, and it can sometimes feel like your art is being put to one side for your sex appeal. And I don’t like that. In this position, you get asked a lot, ‘Do you like being a heartthrob? Do you like being a hunk?’ Well, my answer is, ‘That’s not what I got into it for.’”

    closeup of Kit


    closeup of Kit

    3.他的Game of Thrones理查德·麦登(Richard Madden)的哥斯达黎加(Richard Madden)处理了同样的问题。当他承认时,采访Vogue, that he'd been naked onscreen a lot, he clarified that he doesn't like it and is trying to do it less. “I read scripts where, within the first 15 pages, it says, ‘He gets into the shower…’ And I think, I know exactly what this is, it’s just a scene to get me to take my clothes off."

    closeup of Richard

    "And then I’m like, ‘Right, if you can f**king explain to me why it’s important that I have my shirt off then I will absolutely do it. But if you can’t’ — which they often can’t — ‘then I won’t.’” Madden said there's a shift in Hollywood, where men are becoming more conscious of objectification, which was a complaint previously focused on women.

    closeup of Richard

    他还说,就像许多女演员一样,他被迫减肥,并且拥有一定的身体类型。“我们正在投射一个非常不现实的身体形象。I find myself with actor friends — after we’ve done a kind of barely eating, working-out-twice-a-day, no-carbing thing for these scenes — looking at each other going: ‘We’re just feeding this same shit that we’re against.’”

    closeup of Richard

    4.Gilmore Girls明星斯科特·帕特森(Scott Patterson)最近也谈到了他在演出中扮演卢克(Luke)时被客观化的 - 特别是在2003年的“ Keg!Max!”中。- 说他感到“非常小”,并且喜欢“某种肉棒”。

    closeup of Scott

    In one scene, Sookie tells Lorelai about accidentally touching Luke's butt, and the two then discuss his backside. Patterson在场景中,“我意识到这还不错,这并没有让我感到舒适。这实际上使我感到非常尴尬。”


    帕特森继续说:“这种方式被这样对待 - 令人发指的是令人发指 - 因为您被视为一个物体。这令人不安,而且令人作呕,我不得不在整个场景和许多场景中忍受这一点。一切都与屁股,屁股,屁股,屁股有关。当我们没有拍摄时,我们坐下来 - 人们仍在谈论屁股,屁股,屁股。那是我在那场比赛上度过的最令人不安的时期,我迫不及待地想结束。”


    5.尽管山姆·克拉夫林(Sam Claflin)没有说出它是什么作用,但他也在好莱坞被客观化。“我记得当他们从字面上让我拉起我的衬衫并抓住我的脂肪然后去,'你需要减轻体重时,我记得做一份工作,'”说。“这是他们拍打我的。我觉得自己像一块肉。”


    “我并不是说它和女性经历的事情一样糟糕,但是我作为一名演员接近每份工作,没有安全感 - 尤其是当我必须脱颖而出时,而且如此紧张,”克拉夫林继续说道。”像饥饿游戏:着火。“我真的很努力,直到我在体育馆里花费数小时而花了几个小时,而不是在几个星期里吃东西来实现我的想法。”


    6.马特·史密斯(Matt Smith)还说,他在职业生涯中没有命名特定角色,而是在整个好莱坞谈论它。在谈论在好莱坞(和其他行业)滥用权力的人的问题时,史密斯说,"That’s not to say I haven’t been objectified before by men, because I have — just like women are objectified. It is not exclusive to them. This happens to men, too.”


    7。罗布·洛以诸如The West Wing,9-1-1: Lone Star, 和公园和娱乐today, but he grew up as a teen star back in the '80s. "When I was a teen idol, I was always unsettled by it and I could never really figure out why it was so unsettling,” he说。“直到多年的治疗,变得清醒并做所有自己的工作,我在过去的30年中才意识到这是客观化。您意识到,这与您无关。”


    Acknowledging this conversation is usually about women, Lowe said he also dealt with it as a man. “It’s like I’ve been the person who’s walked down the street and had the construction workers whistling. ... It’s not flattering.”

    closeup of a recent Rob

    More recently, when promoting his showThe Grinder,他扮演的一位演员因不断被要求脱下衬衫而离开他的职业生涯,Lowe说,Lowe开始说:“人们继续谈论妇女的客观化,这是正确的。”“但是,男人的客观化呢?你最后一次看到什么时候是什么时候实习医生格蕾?”


    8。Starring in the uber-sexualFifty Shades of Grey三部曲,杰米·多南(Jamie Dornan)扮演了恋爱兴趣,克里斯蒂安·格雷(Christian Gray)感到性感。达科他·约翰逊(Dakota Johnson)在影片中不得不在他没有的情况下全力裸露是不公平的,多尔南他仍然感到客观。“不仅是女人,而且是男人。”


    9。亨利·卡维尔(Henry Cavill)以扮演超人而闻名,也已成为现代性象征,并不总是为此感到兴奋。"I mean, if a girl shouts something like, ‘Oi, love, fancy a shag?’ to me as I walk past, I do sometimes wonder how she’d feel if a builder said that to her. Although, of course, I wouldn’t feel physically threatened, as she might," he说。

    亨利的特写在the Superman suit

    我不得不说,我听到了一些事情。I’d best not say what," he continued. However, he says he doesn't mind too much as long as he's not with his girlfriend, and people are doing it to disrespect her. "People who don’t respect other people’s feelings really get my goat," he said.


    10。男人明星,乔恩·哈姆(Jon Hamm),并不总是介意客观化 - 只是令人沮丧什么时候“烦人和令人讨厌。”一个事件是当一篇文章发表有关他紧紧的裤子的文章Mad Men和what may or may not have been showing through. “Most of it’s tongue-in-cheek … But it is a little rude. It just speaks to a broader freedom that people feel like they have — a prurience. They’re called ‘privates’ for a reason,” he文章。“遣散。”

    乔恩的特写在Mad Men



    11.最后,保罗·梅斯卡尔(Paul Mescal)感到客观出演后普通人, especially because of the number of intimate scenes his character was involved in — but said that doesn't make it any easier.


    "I daren’t read some of the intense DMs I receive. But it’s not enough to put me off the industry," he continued.

    closeup of Paul

    What male stars do you feel have been objectified in Hollywood? Let us know in the comments below!
