
    People Are Sharing What They Consider To Be Important "Unwritten Rules" In Life, And You Should Probably Take Notes


    Not all rules have to be written down and passed around in order for them to be important and worth respecting.Some rules are just隐含

    Reddit的用户u / SpareArm提出了一问题: "What is one 'unwritten rule' you think everyone should know and follow?"The thread, which now contains hundreds of these "unwritten rules" in writing, brings up a lot of great points.Here are some of the best:

    1."Do not swipe left or right if someone shows you a photo on their phone."

    - - - - - -u / whattheheckisdecaf

    2."Buy a plunger before you need a plunger."

    - - - - - -u / olafthebent

    3."Don’t leave your shopping cart in the middle of the grocery aisle!"

    - - - - - -u / M3ggsandbacon

    4."Never make fun of someone else's laugh — be it how they sound or how they look.Laughing is the most natural expression of joy and happiness, and for someone to feel self-conscious about that because of other people's comments is so brutal."

    - - - - - -u / ArthurMcSlothington

    5."If you have to cancel on a friend, it should be your responsibility to reschedule."

    - - - - - -u / Havoo

    6."Don't propose at someone else's wedding."

    - - - - - -u / LongliveLazarus

    7."Don't ask for something if the person only has one left (gum, cigarette, piece of cake, etc.)."

    - - - - - -u / anothersocialoutcast

    8.“善待正在工作的人:食品工作人员、医务人员等。Don’t take your bad day out on someone else."

    - - - - - -u / sas1013

    9."Don't look through the fucking gap of bathroom stalls."

    - - - - - -u / PatricktheVieiraYep


    - - - - - -u / GalvanizedRubber

    11."Don't cook fish in the office kitchen."

    - - - - - -u / TiNYWalL

    12."For buses/trains/any other public transportation, let people exit first before you get on."

    - - - - - -u / miaowies

    13."Don't say shit about someone's appearance if it can't be fixed in less than 30 seconds.Spinach in someone's teeth?Let a homie know.体型吗?坏的发型吗?穿旧的衣服吗?Don't need to mention it."

    - - - - - -u / vaguelyhumanpotato

    14."Leave it in a better condition than you found it."

    - - - - - -u / Essexal

    15."Don’t mess up an apology with an excuse."

    - - - - - -u / MHE17

    16.“尿尿。No matter what it is, pee first."

    - - - - - -u / ChompyNuggets

    17.Finally: "If you borrow someone's car, fill up the tank before you return it."

    - - - - - -u / simplypsyched

    You can read the full thread of responses onReddit

    Some submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.

    What's an unwritten or unspoken rule YOU think everyone should live by?Drop it in the comments below!
