

    “防晒霜兄弟 - 穿。”

    There's no denying that New Yorkers have quite the reputation for being no-nonsense, tough cookies — and to be fair, that's not too far off the personality of Australians...if you took it down, like, 50 notches.

    I mean, the fundamental traits are mostly the same, save for the rise and grind, knock people out of your way on the footpath energy.

    但是为了安全,reddit用户u/Disastrous-Passion59摆姿势this question对网站上的澳大利亚人来说:“我是一个纽约人,在这里住了一段时间。有人有我应该知道的建议/建议/不成文的规则吗?”

    Here are the most helpful (and hilarious) responses:

    1."The price of items in shops, supermarkets, restaurants etc. already have tax included. There's no need to add tax on top of the price."

    2."Don’t ride your bike on wet tram tracks."

    - U/Purpington67


    - U/GroundbreakingPin704

    3."Keep left when you walk."

    - U/镀金地球

    4."Because summer is just around the corner: If you are not a strong swimmer, or used to swimming in the ocean, always swim at a patrolled beach and swim between the flags. We lose too many overseas visitors to drowning."

    5."Melb-en. Not Mel-born."

    - U/Meow_Kitty1982


    - U/IAmABakuAMA



    - U/I-Socelese


    - U/ElectricGator3000


    11."Make friends by praising Australia and Australians, and asking questions that don't imply any negativity. Be quick with a laugh, be good natured, trust that the odds are a person is being nice, but we do it by joking. If you are working, it is often a rite of passage to be teased to see if you're an alright bloke and to see if you can take it. Australians don't like people who take themselves too seriously."

    - U/FeeBeeFeeBee


    - U/Bodgieaf

    13.“防晒霜,兄弟 - 穿。”

    14."If you are driving and you give way in a tight two-way street, some may not give a courtesy wave and some will wave back. If you are given way, it's nice to give a wave back."

    - U/ventti_slim

    15."The context of 'cunt' is usually found by the preceding word. 'Shit cunt' and 'good cunt' are pretty self explanatory."

    "This rule is reversed when answering in the positive or negative. Yeah nah = no, nah yeah = yes."

    - U/fro

    16."Remember, a tram can weigh as much as 17 rhinos."


    - U/z8chh

    18."Lower the volume of your voice by about 75% and don’t treat public transport like you’re the only person on it."

    - U/Ok_Substance9153


    20。"If you're talking to an Aussie on the phone, we like to wrap up the conversation and end with a goodbye. For example: 'Great...well thanks for the chat and we'll catch up soon! Okay, take care, bye!'. It really threw me when I first met a New Yorker who would just terminate the conversation by hanging up. Aussies appreciate a little social foreplay and aftercare."

    - U/Venturahighway72

    21。"Like the use of "cunt", "mate" is also contextualised...But this time by tone. Mate can be friendly, loving even, but with a different tone it can be threatening and abusive. You will work it out."

    - U/Jolly-Indication6357



    - U/Hillbillypolenta

    24."With Americans generally I find they offer a lot of information about themselves voluntarily — Australians don't. So if you want to know more about someone you might just have to ask personal questions. It's not that we're not talkative, but are fairly private."

    - U/nocturnal_confidant

    25."If you want to make instant friends with Australians tell them our hot chips and meat pies are better than New Zealand’s — even if you have never had hot chips or meat pies from there. They’ll be eating out of your fucking hand."

    - U/Human-Shame1068


    27."Just remember that Australians have a self-deprecating sense of humour, which often offends Americans who are ‘stereotypically’ quite easily triggered. When someone teases or trolls you, it is often done with affection. We generally love seppos [American people]."

    - U/Fleshpuppet_

    28."People more commonly say please and thank you when ordering rather than just thank you at the end. Often when ordering we frame it more as a request than a statement. 'Can I have two lattes please?' Or 'two lattes please' is fine, but 'I’ll take two lattes' or 'two lattes' followed by a thank you will come across as rude."

    - U/Lyndal197



    Note: Responses have been edited for length and/or clarity.
