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19 Interesting And Amazing Facts About "Dune" That Make The Movie 100x Cooler


丹尼斯·维伦纽夫(Denis Villeneuve)Dune将使弗兰克·赫伯特(Frank Herbert)的小说栩栩如生。无论您是知识的新手,还是长期的粉丝,这部电影都是对未来的史诗般的世代主义主食。

1.这部电影是基于一部出色的科幻小说的上半年,Dune. It was written by Frank Herbert and came out in 1965.

Frank Herbert attends the 1984 "Dune" premiere.

2.The title comes from the sand dunes on the beach near Florence, Oregon.


3.Denis Villeneuvewantedto make the film with strong female characters. The screenwriter Eric Roth asked him, "What would be the most important thing that we should bring upfront in this adaptation?” He answered, "Women."


Dr, Kynes standing in a desert.

5.Itthree and a half years and approximately $165 million to make this movie.

6.Making theDune电影是Villeneuve的长期梦想。实际上,他wantedto make this movie ever since he first read the book when he was 14 years old.


7.成功的方向Arrival刀片跑步者2049gaveVilleneuveconfidence that he was experienced enough to tackle an ambitious project likeDune.

Villeneuvein a black blazer.

8.在工作时刀片跑步者2049with Zimmer, Villeneuve talked about his teenage dream of making aDunefilm, and Zimmer immediately跳了起来on as he, too, was a big fan of the book.

Rick Deckard in "Blade Runner 2049."

9.Hans Zimmer is such a big fan of the book that he拒绝to work on宗旨with his longtime collaborator Christopher Nolan and chose to scoreDune.

Hans Zimmer smiles.

10。Hans Zimmer has also composed a second soundtrack for the movie. Hewroteoriginal music forThe Art and Soul of Dune,电影的执行制片人Tanya Lapointe撰写的书。

Hans Zimmer at a movie premiere.

11.Dune的摄影师,Greig Fraser, won an Emmy forThe Mandalorian.他is also working on the upcoming superhero flick蝙蝠侠。

格雷格·弗雷泽(Greig Fraser)穿着灰色西装外套。

12.Denis Villeneuve没有为Paul Atreides的角色进行试镜。他handpickedTimothée Chalamet for the role.

Timotee Chamalet为相机摆姿势。

13.As soon as Chalamet got a whiff that theDunemovie was finally happening, heset向电影提高了Google警报,然后去了戛纳与Villeneuve见面。

Timotee Chamalet shows off his fashion.

14.Josh Brolin, who worked with Villeneuve onSicario,signed upwithout reading the script. “I think I pretended to read it” is how Brolin recalls things.

乔什·布洛林(Josh Brolin)穿着黑色西装。

15.The production designer ofDune,帕特里斯·韦尔梅特(Patrice Vermette)使用Google Earth入围位置,以拍摄Arrakis沙漠星球上的场景。伊朗,乍得,毛里塔尼亚和利比亚的沙漠被入围了一些地点。

Patrice Vermette摆姿势拍照。

16.They finallysettledon the famous Wadi Rum valley in Jordan (which was also the shooting location forLawrence of Arabia火星人).

A rocky landscape in a desert.

17.But Wadi Rum posed a new problem. It lacked dunes! So the crew "collected来自约旦在水瓶中的沙子样品,这样它们就可以将其颜色与另一个位置相匹配。

Car driving through Rub al Khali Desert (Empty Quarter - Abu Dhabi - United Arab Emirates)

18.The set of the movie was built at Origo Studios outside Budapest. It was so large that Rebecca Fergusonkeptgetting lost.

丽贝卡·弗格森(Rebecca Ferguson)穿着黑色礼服。

19.The movie had its official world premiere at the Venice Film Festival, where it received a mind-blowingseven-minute standing ovation.
