


    还记得坎耶·韦斯特(Kanye West)和杰伊(Jay-Z)是朋友吗?他们做了观看宝座,而且真的看起来像是很棒的芽。更简单的时间。

    好吧,这是2017年,因为世界是一堆爆发的狗屎,所以没有什么好处可以留下来 - 包括这种友谊。


    "What really hurt me was, you can’t bring my wife and my kids into it. Like, Kanye is my little brother. He’s talked about me a hundred times, he even made a song called ‘Big Brother.’ We’ve gotten past bigger issues. But you brought my family into it, now it’s a problem," Jay-Z said.

    坎耶(Kanye)和杰伊(Jay-Z)过去曾公开不同意,就像2013年一样当坎耶(Kanye)解除了Jay-Z的合作与贾斯汀·汀布莱克(Justin Timberlake)。“我爱上了HOV,但我并不是他妈的那个西装和领带',”他说道。

    但是在2016年,坎耶(Kanye)在圣巴勃罗(Saint Pablo)巡回演出中不仅对杰伊·Z(Jay-Z)进行了两次大声疾呼,而且对碧昂丝(以及他们的孩子)进行了轰动。

    然后许多人引用了Jay-Z的新专辑中的“杀死Jay Z”歌4:44as a Kanye diss track, Jay put those rumors to rest by saying, "It’s not about a Kanye diss. I’m talking about me. When I say, 'You dropped out of school, you lost your principals,' I’m not talking about Kanye. I’m talking about me. The whole thing."

