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    These Satisfying Acne Patches Deserve A National Holiday, Change My Mind

    These Avarelle acne patch review photos are even better than popping pimples.

    We hope you love the products we recommend! All of them were independently selected by our editors. Some may have been sent as samples, but all opinions and reviews are our own. Just so you know, BuzzFeed may collect a share of sales or other compensation from the links on this page if you decide to shop from them. Oh, and FYI — prices are accurate and items in stock as of time of publication.

    让我们得到一件事〜清晰〜在开始之前 - 每个人都会得到粉刺!它们没有什么可隐藏的,您可以像我们知道的某个偶像一样震惊他们:

    But when you DO want to wish pimples adieu, theseAvarelle acne patches ($8.49 on Amazon)are quite possibly the most satisfying inventions on the planet.

    hand holding one of the acne patches

    They're powered by hydrocolloid, tea tree oil, and calendula oil (all of which are gentle on sensitive skin) to heal breakouts FAST. They're gentler than acne cream, speed up recovery to practically overnight, and do all the ~heavy lifting~ for you.

    当我告诉您这些评论照片令人满意时... DR。Pimple Popper上没有这些图像。

    They already have6,500+ five-star reviews和a 4.2-star Amazon rating! People are IMPRESSED.

    Even though they work fast, they're also *super* gentle. Meaning they won't leave scarring behind like picking and popping — your pimples will just be flatter and less red!

    Reviewers who have tried every acne product under the sun swear these are the FASTEST when it comes to treating stubborn breakouts!

    reviewer side-by-side of their acne, them using the patches, and the used patches

    A lot of people wear them under makeup or just alone and go about their day as usual — thepatchesare designed to blend in with all skin tones!

    Would you just look at how SATISFYING these are?! All without popping! Who knew.

    您甚至可以在那些烦人的丘疹上使用'emfeeelllllgrowing under your skin, but can't get get at yet (and you dare not pick). The tea tree oil will help coax the buried pus out from underneath and out of your LIFE.

    Heck, pop 'em on while watching Netflix — I'm the laziest person on earth and even I can handle this "skincare routine!"

    基本上,获得丘疹可能会感到压力,并花费远距离的时间来治愈。但是,这些会给您一些〜 * *,并且 *使整个过程比以往任何时候都更快。

    请允许我介绍 - 请鼓声 -Avarelle extra-large patches!!! They're made of the same formula, but are designed to tackle MULTIPLE *intruders* at once. I mean!!!


    Just look at that efficiency of these超大补丁!


    Get a box of 40 round patches for$8.49还有一个盒子的8个超大补丁$8.49, both from Amazon.

    But most importantly don't forget those zits can't control you! YOU ARE GORGEOUS!

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