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"Miss Americana" Shows Taylor Swift In The Most Transformative Years Of Her Career

在泰勒·斯威夫特(Taylor Swift)的Netflix纪录片中,我们看到了一个实时的超级巨星转型。

在有史以来最长的等待之后,今天Netflix终于掉了Miss Americana, the documentary by Emmy-winning director Lana Wilson following Taylor Swift through the last few years of her life.

任何粉丝都会知道那些年对泰勒来说是巨大的变革。这部电影始于2018年,当时她在她身上环游世界时ReputationStadium Tour, and takes us up until herArtist of the Decade performance在去年的Amas。

InMiss Americana,这种转变是实时进行的。我们看到泰勒(Taylor站起来,大声说出来,甚至可能打扰和平。

While the documentary does mention Taylor's臭名昭著的仇恨, it's only to represent what was a hugely pivotal moment for her career, her reputation, and her relationship with the public.

In an interview to camera, Taylor reflects on the incident, admitting that at the time she thought she'd never be able to "bounce back" from it.

It's a moment of intense vulnerability, but it also indicates a change in Taylor's relationship with her public persona, and the beginning of her decision to use her voice to stand up for what she believes in.

That momentum was only accelerated in 2017, after Taylor赢得了诉讼一种gainst the man who sexually assaulted her at a meet and greet four years earlier.

这是我们看到泰勒开始反击的地方 - 与她的团队作战,他们建议她对这个问题保持沉默,并反对她过去的角色,因为她是“不让人们对她的观点感到不舒服”的“好女孩”。

In one ofMiss Americana最激烈的场景,我们看到泰勒和她的妈妈安德里亚与她的父亲和团队中的其他人争论她是否应该打破职业生涯的沉默,并发表她的Instagram帖子认可布雷德森参议院。

The following scene shows Taylor and her publicist just before she publishes the post, discussing everything they need to be prepared for.


You can watchMiss Americana现在在Netflix上。
