Chrissy Teigen Denied Deleting Negative Instagram Comments And Said People Are "Mad Because She's Alive"

"When you're mad that there's not enough hate... You're crazy."

Chrissy Teigenis addressing accusations that she has been deleting negative comments on her Instagram posts amid a storm of controversy overher past cyberbullying.

In an interviewwith the Daily Beastin May, TV personalityCourtney Stoddenalleged that Chrissy had harassed them — both in public Twitter posts and private messages — when they were just 16 years old.

But in the months following, Chrissy hasreceived backlashfor the way she's handled the situation — namely, for repeatedly lamenting her induction into what she has called the "cancel club."

"Just feels so weird to pretend nothing happened in this online world but feel like utter shit in real life," the 35-year-old wrote inan Instagram postlast month.

Despite all this, though, Chrissy still has 35 million Instagram followers, and her comments seem to have stayed generally positive — apparently leading to accusations that she is deleting negative comments.

But Chrissy denied those claims in a video on her Instagram story on Tuesday, calling those accusers "next-level haters."

She went on to say that she finds it "funny" that even her own comments on other people's Instagram photos make people angry.

"If I leave a comment under somebody's photo, even if it's nice — 'You look great! I love this outfit!'" Chrissy said.

"People get all sorts of mad. Because I am alive."

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