
    这是金·卡戴珊(Kim Kardashian)在21天内减掉16磅以适应不适合她的衣服的危险

    "One of the biggest issues in social media is this idea that you should do anything in the name of weight loss, and that's a terrible narrative to perpetuate."

    Earlier this week, Kim Kardashian到达的大都会晚会1962年,玛丽莲·梦露(Marilyn Monroe)穿着玛丽莲·梦露(Marilyn Monroe)穿着肯尼迪(Kennedy)的生日庆祝活动 - 猛烈抨击的庆祝活动。

    Marilyn Monroe in the dress at the fundraiser

    面试with La La Anthony on the Met Gala carpet, Kim revealed that she lost 16 pounds in 21 days in order to fit into Marilyn's dress.

    (You can watch the full interview below.)


    Vogue / Via你tube.com


    Kim K wearing body-shaping clothing; Marilyn Monroe at the podium


    Sneakered feet on a treadmill

    Now, I want to take a moment to address you, the reader, and apologize for how we在itially covered this story. It took me a moment to真的realize how damaging Kim's words and actions were to people watching the Gala and reading the coverage. And, in retrospect, I wish we had outright condemned her actions instead of making it look like we were glorifying her weight loss in any way.

    为了自我教育自己普遍存在的饮食文化是多么普遍,金正日的行为不仅对她的身体有多危险,而且对数百万仰望她的人,我与Elaina Efird,Rd,cedrd,CSSD -佛蒙特州伯灵顿的KAHM诊所的主要注册营养师,他专门治疗饮食失调。

    首先,尽管我可以猜到答案,但我问埃拉纳(Elainatechnically她告诉BuzzFeed,只有通过极端和非常不健康的措施,例如饥饿或半饥饿。这根本不可持续,绝不应该是个人的目标或尝试。”yabo sports

    然后,伊莱娜(Elaina)谈到改变自己适合衣服而不是穿适合衣服的危险. "The issues that arise from Kim Kardashian perpetuating a narrative to alter yourself to fit into a garment have many negative implications."

    There are obvious effects on one's mental health and self-esteem that this kind of thinking can have, but I also wanted to talk to Elaina about thehealth金正日体重减轻的风险:“金的健康风险包括饥饿的许多严重副作用,例如改变的电解质,脱水,头晕,疲劳和头晕。当您像她一样严重限制食物时,您都处于散发出来的风险和您的基本电解质会掉落到您可能需要被送往医院补充这些电解质的地步。切割这些食物的影响会增加痴迷,负面形象的想法,通常是不健康的关系用食物和身体。”




    Elaina concluded with her thoughts on diet culture as a whole and the effects it's had on society: "It's really sad that we are still seeing celebrities, big social media creators, and others promote horrible eating habits like Kim K did. It's even more sad that huge media outlets are sharing these diets. One of the biggest issues in social media is this idea that you should do anything in the name of weight loss, and that's a terrible narrative to perpetuate. I wish media platforms would stop doing so."


    The National Eating Disorders Association热线索林为1-800-931-2237;对于24/7的危机支持,请将“ NEDA”短信至741741。
