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    蕾哈娜(Rihanna)不欠我们任何东西 - 我们很幸运能被她拖钓!

    “She’s also the type of person who’s courageous enough to be like, ‘No, I’m on my own time. I’m really working on something special for you guys.’”

    On today's episode ofyabo sportsBuzzFeed每天,,,,we broke down the top pop culture headlines AND discussed Rihanna's next album. You can listen below or scroll down to read more about the interview!

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    So let's dive right into it! Recently we talked to Buzzfeed’sNatalie Oganesyanabout Rihanna’s upcoming album and what artists and fans owe to each other. Here's some of what we learned:

    yabo sportsBuzzFeed Daily:自蕾哈娜(Rihanna)的最后一张专辑发行以来已经过去了五年。每个人都在等她的新音乐。人们在整个过程中开玩笑。你实际上写了piecefor BuzzFeed back in September, right after she teased the upcoming album. So as our most preeminent Rihanna scholar, what should we be expecting fromR9

    蕾哈娜(Rihanna)说,她的下一张专辑“将完全不同”。这位流行歌星宣传她最新的野蛮人X Fenty Show,她说她一直在“玩得开心”录制新音乐。

    Twitter: @APEntertainment

    Natalie Oganesyan:So she spoke to AP Entertainment a little bit ago, which I wrote an article about, teasing kind of a fun sound and experimental sound. That's something we've known for a while now. ForAnti大约六年前下降,这是非常折衷的,风格的。yabo.com当然有流行音乐,但是R&B,替代性,舞厅。这就是我想关注的事情。我们以前通过对Vogue和滚石匿名作品的采访来知道,她将更多地发表雷鬼专辑。这就是我们可以期待的。她列举了鲍勃·马利(Bob Marley)是她有史以来顶级艺术家之一,所以这是我们真正可以看到她绘画的声音。她早在2019年11月告诉《 Vogue》,“我喜欢将其视为雷鬼风格或雷鬼专辑。”她说那是适合她的东西。但是与此同时,她可能也可能还在制作一张以流行的专辑制作,因此我们在这里可能会有些双重情况。

    yabo sportsBuzzFeed每天: I'm glad you brought that up, because there's speculation that the reason we're waiting so long is because Rihanna is planning on dropping two albums — one pop and one reggae. What do you think? Wild conspiracy theory? Or, potentially, we're getting two freaking albums?

    yabo sportsBuzzFeed Daily:期待这张专辑,感觉就像发生的事情有两个不同的方面。我们已经谈到了专辑及其发行日期。然后是粉丝的话语,它呈现了自己的生活。蕾哈娜(Rihanna)的粉丝又名海军(Aka Navy)对想要这张专辑发行非常发声,这提出了一个问题:粉丝是否有权从艺术家那里要求艺术?您对此有何看法?



    不:That's a really big question. I think it goes to show where we're at in the music world. There's so many artists that are kind of notorious for pushing back albums and release dates. One person I can think of is Kanye, and that's happening a lot more and more. Obviously the pandemic has influenced release dates and touring dates, of course. But there's also, on the flip side of that, musicians like Drake and Beyoncé, who have dropped surprise albums. I wouldn't rule it out from Rihanna of doing that. I'm just dropping it and being like, "Here you go. You've been asking for it. Here it is."

    但是与此同时,回到粉丝是否有要求的权利或有点像:“哦,好吧,您一年前说过,或者您两年前说过,您一直在取笑这么长时间” 我认为他们没有。我认为现在在流媒体世界中,粉丝们要变得容易得多,“好吧,我们想要内容,我们想要这张专辑。这已经很久了。”但是,音乐是一种艺术形式,我不相信可以匆匆忙忙。而且,如果您真的想要您最喜欢的一张优秀,扎实的专辑,则必须让他们完成这个创作过程。您必须让他们重做事情,缩小记录和曲目,并与他们觉得自己会与他们一起做出最好的工作的任何人合作。因此,它们不是可以按需生产产品的商品。一些艺术家喜欢这样做,音乐可以帮助他们处理事情,这对他们来说是一种疗法。但是有些人不想这样做,有些人真的想磨练自己的手艺。而且我认为显然没有一种对与错的方法,但粉丝需要放松一下。

    yabo sportsBuzzFeed Daily:所以说我们有一位艺术家并没有真正谈论任何事情,粉丝们在乞求音乐并要求音乐。与蕾哈娜(Rihanna)这样的人有多次谈论它的即将到来的人之间有区别吗?您认为她必须兑现这一诺言吗?因为从2018年到现在,她一直在取笑这张专辑。

    Billie Lourd recently revealed嘉莉·费舍尔(Carrie Fisher)的女儿长大— and how her mom taught her quote “what not to do” as a parent.

    继续前进,阿黛尔分享了她对客观化的想法,,,,both before and after her weight loss.

    As always, thanks for listening! And if you ever want to suggest stories or just want to say hi, you can reach us at
