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    How Hollywood Is — And Isn’t — Handling COVID-19 Vaccines On Film And TV Sets

    “There are a lot of, I think, secret skeptics of the vaccine in Hollywood that we don’t even know about.”

    On today's episode of BuzzFeed Daily, we broke down the top pop culture headlines AND discussed Hollywood's attitude toward COVID-19 vaccines. You can listen below or scroll down to read more about the interview!

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    So let's dive right into it! Recently we talked to Vanity Fair’sChris Murphyabout how Hollywood is handling (and not handling)COVID-19疫苗现场. Here's some of what we learned:

    BuzzFeed Daily: You recently wrote a piece inVanity Fairabout vaccine mandates on Hollywood sets, or rather the lack thereof. The piece pulled a bit from a story inThe Hollywood Reporter关于一部电影,它必须关闭,因为其A级明星之一与Covid签约。您能详细介绍发生的事情吗?

    Chris Murphy:是的,绝对。这是一件汇总的作品,所以好莱坞记者肯定打破了这个消息,但是据报道,A级演员在整个作品中使用了他的代词 - 据报道在Set上签约了Covid,在一部主要电影中关闭了大约三个星期并且显然造成了录音室的七个数字,因此数百万美元。超过十几个机组人员也生病了。

    So it was sort of the worst-case scenario for any film production or television production or any sort of production that's happening and trying to operate during COVID. And while it's unclear who the actor was, I will say it's interesting that Disney this week announced a big push of a bunch of its movies, and specifically, a lot of Marvel movies have been pushed back a few months.Thor 3has moved from May to July 2022.Doctor Strange 2moved from March to May 2022.Black Panther 2从2022年7月移居到7月。因此,这可能是一个巧合。谁说这是否与几周前破裂的故事有关?yabo.com但是我认为时机很有趣。

    BuzzFeed Daily: No, it is. And COVID is still spreading. It was announced today that there was an outbreak at theEternalspremiere yesterday. So it's happening, and there have been multiple actors in Hollywood who have spoken out against the vaccine. Actors Letitia Wright, and Rob Schneider have publicly voiced their skepticism. And obviously, we're all entitled to our own opinions, but when you're famous, you inherently have a much larger platform. Do you think celebs need to be more careful with their words? Or should the public just simply be more discerning with where they get their information from?

    Photo of Letitia Wright

    BuzzFeed Daily: On the other hand, there have been several Hollywood stars who have spoken out in favor of vaccine mandates on Hollywood sets. Actors like George Clooney, Giancarlo Esposito, Sean Penn, who even went so far as to walk off of a movie set until the entire crew was vaccinated. Do you feel like this sort of militancy is helpful or is it just adding fuel to the fire?

    Photo of Sean Penn wearing a mask

    yabo sportsBuzzFeed Daily:因此,您知道,许多不同的公司已为员工实施疫苗授权。CVS,Delta Airlines甚至麦当劳等公司都要求其员工射击。但是,好莱坞仅在共同协议的制片人和工会之间达成了宽松的协议,因此主要由个人制作来创建自己的规则。您是否听说过好莱坞的授权?

    CM:I think there's been a lot on Hollywood's mind in terms of unions, right? IATSE just reached an agreement, and the contracts that they have in place, in terms of how the vaccine or how COVID protocol is, expire on October 31, so everything is subject to change. I do hear that there's sort of varying degrees of COVID safety or a sort of COVID protocol that's happening on set and what a vaccine mandate might look like.

    您拥有NBC Universal,他拥有一些最严格的准则,即需要多少人接种疫苗,可以进行现场,掩盖安全等。然后,与其他一些工作室更宽松的其他工作室相反。而且它实际上并不是任何具体的统一。我确实认为是10月31日,看看它是否更朝着统一发展,或者在不同工作室的这种情况下的方法方面变得更加不同。

    yabo sportsBuzzFeed Daily:所以我想知道的是,当人们接种疫苗,甚至没有接种疫苗时,工作室正在损失很多钱。真的没有,或者是这样 - 他们在亏钱,无论如何。犹豫从哪里来?为什么工作室还没有创建此任务?


    艾丽西亚·西尔弗斯通(Alicia Silverstone)最近参加了德鲁·巴里莫尔(Drew Barrymore)的表演,并透露她不是一次被禁止使用约会应用程序,而是两次。  She said the first time she put up a fake profile because she wasn't comfortable being herself yet, and the profile was taken down. After hearing about other actresses trying dating apps — including Drew and Sharon Stone — she tried it again with her real info. “I was like, 'Well, if they can be on, I can be on,'

    View this video on YouTube

    Alicia Silverstone recently went onThe Drew Barrymore Showrevealed she’s been banned from a dating appnot once, but twice.

    她说,她第一次提出虚假的个人资料是因为她还不舒服,并且个人资料被删除了。在听说其他女演员尝试约会应用程序(包括Drew和Sharon Stone)之后,她再次尝试了自己的真实信息。

    “I was like, 'Well, if they can be on, I can be on,'" she said. “And then I did it, and I had a date with someone planned. [But] the day I went in to find out about the date [like] where we were meeting or whatever, I had been banned. Poor guy. I got kicked off as myself too."

    As always, thanks for listening! And if you ever want to suggest stories or just want to say hi, you can reach us at
