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    1。一种moving cat toy带有猫薄荷袋,以使最终的宠物分散注意力。这只软盘的鱼像一条真正的鱼一样从水中移动,并诱使小猫击打,特警,咬和刮擦它 - 您不想对手臂和腿部做的所有事情。而且可充电电池也使这个持久的玩具也适合您的钱包。

    a black and white cat holding the interactive fish


    the game with the two soft burritos showing through the plastic



    4.一种可运输的缝纫套件if you need to repair something quickly. This practical kit has all of the essentials for mending a rip or tear. *AND* it's compact enough to just toss in your purse. Now you can get as low as you want at the club, and if you split your pants? Well, you've got it covered!

    the sewing kit with different strings and other scissors and pins in the kit

    5.一种厨房温度计和时钟so you can be certain the food you're serving at your dinner parties isn't going to make your guests sick. This handy tool has a stainless steel probe for ease of use and can monitor temperature as well as keep track of cooking time.

    6.一套卡保护器so your valuable docs don't get torn or ruined when you go out for drinks with friends. Plus, you can attach it to a retractable line so you can easily keep your card right on your person.


    7.一种strong of五颜六色的童话灯to give any room in the house a soft ambiance. These are perfect to give your space a magical upgrade and can be used throughout the year to light up your life.


    the tracing board with a stenciled drawing on it in black and white

    9。一瓶L'Oréal Wonder Water hair treatment这有助于增强头发受损的光泽。而且,这种冲洗剂治疗是对羟基苯甲酸酯,硫酸盐和无染料的,因此您可以经常使用它感到良好。

    10。一包Earth Rated doggy poop bagsmade from recycled materials that trap odors without any fruity, overpowering smells. These durable bags will be your go-to for all dog walks from now on simply because you won't feel like you're walking in a cloud of poop stench.

    reviewer walking their dog with a red leash and the poop bags attached to the leash

    11。一瓶semi-permanent hair dye conditioner帮助保持头发的光泽和颜色。没有什么比在沙龙上花 *吨的钱来染发更糟糕的了,只能在一两周内将大部分颜色洗掉。输入:这个方便的产品。该护发素有助于保持染发的活力,因此您的钱花在了好处。

    reviewer showing a before picture with dull red hair and an after picture with bright red hair

    12。一种countertop dishwasher如果您的公寓没有配备方便的设备,可以为您洗碗。这种紧凑的设备可以完成普通大小的洗衣机所做的所有事情,但仅占用一小部分空间。

    13。一种box of芳香疗法淋浴炸弹用从薰衣草到桉树再到香草的美味气味来填补您的感官。只需将炸弹放在淋浴中,然后让蒸汽浮动到精神天堂时做所有艰苦的工作。

    the full box of different scented shower bombs



    15.一包Mrs. Meyers hand soapmade with plant-based ingredients and essential oils that cut through dirt and grime all while giving off a delicious aroma. Yes, please!

    mrs. meyers hand soap in oat blossom scent

    16.一种Crave detangling brush这有助于从头发中脱颖而出,而无需痛苦的拉力和猛拉。独特的刷毛将头发侧面分开,而不是向下,因此您的头发不会受到伤害并从头皮上撕裂。


    18。一种bar of可可黄油肥皂that you need because it helps repair dry skin with cocoa butter and vitamin E, which is perfect for this cold, dry weather.

    a reviewer photo of a hand holding the bar of soap



    20.一个eyeshadow stick对于那些早上没有时间花钱看眼影的人。只需给您的盖子滑动这种色素棒,您就会在几秒钟内具有正确的色彩。

    21。一个O'Keeffe的脚霜that will exfoliate and repair even the most cracked of feet. The special formula penetrates deep into the skin to moisturize and replenish, even through that tough exterior. Prepare to become a foot model.

    22。一种classic flannel shirtbecause you can never go wrong with a good flannel shirt. And this baby is made from super soft cotton so you'll feel nice and cozy in your cool weather staple.

    a reviewer group all wearing the plaid shirts in blue and black plaid

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