
    16 Parents Who Totally Lucked Out When It Came To Their Kids' Christmas Wishes

    I wish the kids in my family were as easy to shop for.


    So while looking at funny holiday fails on the internet to get in the mood for the season, I came across this Reddit thread fromu/doubleeremandasking, "Mall Santas of Reddit, what is the weirdest thing a kid asked for for Christmas?" Some of the answers were shockingly...practical?


    "Apparently, business was not very good as a lemonade stand, but he noticed that a lot of adults drink coffee, so he'd make coffee. That kid is probably a millionaire now."






    "She made a gesture like she was using those canned air horns, and she made a little horn sound. She said she wants to use it to wake up her baby brother when he naps in the daytime so he 'knows what it's like.'"





    5."At my daughter's preschool, there was a Santa. Kids were asking for the usual things, like toys and unicorns. One little girl went up. You could tell she was thinking really hard. She asked for two rolls of tape."



    "Come Christmas Day, I actually got an entire loaf of bread with no crust."


    Healthy Homemade Crustless Peanut Butter Jelly Sandwich in a Circle

    7."My 9-year-old kid asked for light bulbs. I am sure Santa wasn’t expecting that."


    8."When I was a little kid, about 3 or 4 years old, I told a mall Santa that I wanted blue juice for Christmas."

    "The Santa looked at my mom like, 'WTF does he mean by this?' My mom was just as clueless as he was. My mom, being awesome, went out and got Hugs juice and only gave me the blue ones on Christmas. To this day, I have no clue why I wanted the blue juice. I just knew I wanted it, so that's what I told Santa. You bet your ass that I drank every last one of those things."


    The plastic Little Hug Fruit Barrels filled with different-colored juices

    9."My neighbor was a Santa for a community brunch years ago, and a little girl asked for a cheeseburger."

    "Not that odd on its own, I suppose, but an odd request for the holiday, and to ask of such an important and magical being."


    10。“显然,我要求一个滚动的别针 - 不是小马,而不是芭比娃娃梦屋……一个滚动的别针。我仍然没有得到它。”

    "When I called my mother and asked if she remembered why I wanted a rolling pin, she told me I wanted to hide it under my pillow and thought that it would be a nice weapon to fight an intruder with. Since moving out and getting a rolling pin, I’ve found a better use for it than the one I had originally thought of."




    12."A kid asked for 5 gallons of maple syrup. When the Santa asked him why, his response was that he liked to bathe in it and his bathtub could hold 5 gallons of water."


    13."One year my brother asked for a dustpan."

    "This was well in advance of Christmas, and everyone assumed he would just forget it and move on, but as a joke, one of his presents was, in fact, a shiny new dustpan, complete with the little mini broom. Of course there were also the typical toys you'd expect a 4- or 5-year-old to enjoy, but he wasn't particularly interested in those. Instead, he spent most of the next week or so sweeping things into his dustpan. Best present ever; it only cost two bucks, and the house was swept several times a day. So was the porch, and the yard, and the cat."


    14."A shredder. This boy wanted a paper shredder."



    15."A toilet brush."



    16.Finally, this one: "When my daughter was 2, she asked for a red balloon."


    “大约两年的快进,我们开始与女儿一起为我的6个月大的儿子开始同一个夜间仪式...Winnie the Pooh阅读斯蒂芬·弗莱(Stephen Fry)。大约一个月左右,它打了我。我女儿两年前圣诞节想要的所有都是红色的气球,因为那是Eeyore生日那天得到的。她一直在听Winnie the Pooh每天晚上去睡觉,喜欢埃耶尔(Eeyore)对他的流行气球感到兴奋。我可能流下了一两只眼泪。”



    Do you remember a silly Christmas request you had as a kid? Tell us about it in the comments below!
