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    *No Longer Accepting Entries* BuzzFeed Community's Writers' Challenge Has Been Extended Through Sept 15th, And You Can Earn $$$ For Making Viral Posts


    就是这样:您通过编写BuzzFeed帖子来赚钱的机会!yabo sports

    认为您可以写病毒BuzzFeed帖子?yabo sports今年夏天,您手上有一点时间吗?加入我们夏季作家的挑战,有机会获得在您那个美丽的大脑中浮出水面的辉煌想法!注册新账号这里to get started.

    the basics

    We’ve hosted some fun BuzzFeed Community Challenges in the past, but this one’s our biggest yet!

    从2021年6月15日到2021年9月15日,BuzzFeed将为您的每篇文章支付现金,这些帖yabo sports子将获得一定数量的浏览量。如果您在此期间发布的任何帖子都可以赚取150至10,000美元之间,如果它属于以下流量层之一:


    Any post that doesn't violate ourCommunity Rules只要您符合我们的资格要求(以下更多内容),则可以在2021年6月15日至2021年9月15日之间创建和发布。yabo sports

    All you have to do is select ✅ the opt-in box in your draft before publishing your post to submit it into the challenge. It'll look this on the right side of your draft:

    If you're using the mobile editor, you can find the opt-in checkbox by clicking the options icon in the top right corner.


    您需要注册或登录到BuzzFeed社区帐户以提交社区帖子。yabo sports你可以这样做这里

    Please make sure the email address you sign up with is one you check — this is how we'll be reaching out to you.

    Psst — here are guides to help you with makinglists and non-quiz posts,一个quizzes, 也!

    what am i agreeing to by opting in?
    How does a post get traffic anyway?
    如何在BuzzFeed上晋升我的帖子?yabo sports
    tips to increase the chances of your post getting promoted
    CAn i change my mind after i've opted in?
    I forgot to check the opt-in box when I published my post. what now?