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    Tips And Tricks For Making Your Best BuzzFeed Quiz Yet


    所以你已经知道如何要进行BuzzFeeyabo sportsd测验(如果没有的话,这是一个快速指南这里!)但是你如何进行测验额外的yabo sportsBuzzFeed-y?

    ✨Here are our best tips, compiled on one page just for you.✨


    请注意,如果选择您的帖子或测验以通过BuzzFeed的网络进行特色,我们的编辑可能会对它进行一些编辑以反映BuzzFeed的样式和音调!yabo sports这包括对某些副本,语法和图像的编辑。

    general faqs


    我们的编辑选择可以在BuzzFeed和我们的社交网络中推广哪些内容!yabo sports他们通常选择适合当前趋势或相关主题的帖子,与BuzzFeed的声音和标准保持一致(尽管我们一直在寻找新的声音!)yabo sportsCommunity Rules或者用户协议

    Can I do anything to increase the chances of my quiz getting featured?


    ➡️ Make sure your headline and dek (the description that goes at the top of your post) are enticing and would make someone want to click your post.


    ➡️ We get LOTS of personality quizzes on Community so it can help to branch out by making other types of quizzes like scale quizzes, tap on image quizzes, polls, and checklists.

    ➡️ Make sure any quiz you make has at least 5 questions, and that each result includes at least a couple of sentences. A minimum of 5 questions leads to more accurate quiz results — and of course, makes for a more fun quiz!

    ➡️ Ensuring that your quiz results are accurate and don’t feel completely random. Readers are more likely to share and engage with quizzes that resonate personally with them!

    ➡️不确定某人之前是否已经进行了同样的测验?在搜索引擎中搜索您的主题 +“ BuzzFeed”一词!yabo sports如果您看到很多与您希望制作的测验相似的测验,那么您的机会可能很少。尝试调整您的想法或头条新闻,以至于脱颖而出!

    Okay, so it's been a few days...when will my quiz be featured?!

    Our editing team receives thousands — yes, thousands! — of posts every day, so it may take a while for them to see your post and consider it to be featured.Please keep in mind that we can't promise that any or all posts or quizzes will be featured!

    如果您的帖子没有被选中,请不要感到沮丧。而且,如果您想在测验创作中提供更多反馈,请联系,我们将很乐意提供帮助。yabo sports哇!

    Unfortunately, any content or accounts that are against our guidelines is subject to removal and won't be considered for promotion. Please refer to ourguidelinesfor more information.

    picking a topic



    2. Take a minute to scribble down every word and phrase you associate with that topic. If you'd like, time yourself with the stopwatch on your phone, or by playing a short song in the background. ⏰

    3.之后,窥视一下测验类型当前流行yabo.comon BuzzFeed.


    - "Design A Frog-Themed Bedroom To Reveal Your True Aesthetic"
    - “设计青蛙服装,以揭示哪种卧室与您的美学相匹配”
    - "Pick Your Favorite Frog Pics To Find Out Your True Bedroom Aesthetic"

    help me with my title!

    What if I don't have an idea for a quiz title at all?


    您可以通过仔细阅读其他quizzeson BuzzFeed for some inspiration. Then change the topic to one you're interested in. A new quiz title could be born quicker than you expected!

    当您想创建测验标题时,耐心是真正的关键 - 您正在创建艺术, after all.



    2.不断地改变主题。You don't have to change yourentire测验的想法!例如,如果您的测验最初是关于Pixar角色的,但是您认为它实际上与Nickelodeon或DreamWorks角色一起使用,请尝试将后者的主题适合您的标题,并查看是否使您更快乐。


    Before we get into it, don't forget to check out our如何制作测验指南如果您需要该过程的逐步!

    1. For personality and trivia quizzes, include at least 5–8 questions, with at least 3–4 answer options per question.

    Five questions are usually the minimum amount our editors require to consider a quiz for a feature, and 8 questions is a sweet spot. Offering a minimum of 3–4 possible answers to pick from creates more chances for a quiz taker to find an option that really resonates with them. Of course, you can always add more!



    As a simple example, say you're making a quiz called, "Which Character From史莱克你是吗?”也许你所有的问题都会史莱克-themed in some way.




    Please note that if your quiz is selected for promotion, our editors may make some copy and image edits to make sure your quiz is as inclusive as possible.

    4. Save your work frequently!

    进行测验时,您会看到一个按钮,上面写着“准备出版” - 这是整个测验过程中的“保存”按钮。按此,然后尽可能地在草稿顶部的“保存”按钮。


    如何to make the best quiz results ever

    1. How long should my quiz results be?


    One of the reasons people get psyched about quiz results is that they can tell you something about yourself — or maybe they confirm something you *already knew* about yourself. Usually, you probably want to know more about why you got that result. So, we recommend providing that joy to whoever's taking your quiz.



    在一项测验中,要给出2个结果中的1个结果,例如“您性格内向或外向?”测验,仅提供这两个结果将起作用 - 我们只是建议在结果中添加一些详细的措辞,以使任何正在测验的人都对他们的结果感到兴奋。

    For pretty much any other type of quiz, from a personality quiz to a trivia quiz to a scale quiz, 4–6 results minimum is probably a good range.

    3. Should I include images in my quiz results?




    For example, if someone gets 0 questions correct on a trivia quiz, a positive spin on their quiz result could be something along the lines of, "Ahh, nice try! You didn't get any of these correct, but that just means you should watch this movie one more time and try again!"



    Please note that if your quiz is selected for promotion, our editors may make some copy and image edits to make sure your quiz is as inclusive as possible.

    That's pretty much it! Now you're almost too powerful since you have all of this knowledge. Now go forth and create that masterpiece everyone's been waiting for!

    如果您还有疑问,请随时通过BuzzFeed Dot Com的CommunityHelp给我们发送电子邮件yabo sports