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15 McDonald's Items Only Available In Latin American Countries That I Am Sooo Jealous We Don't Have In The US

IDK, the McPatatas miiiight be better than the classic McDonald's fries.


2.Dulce de Leche Sundae or Cone

3.Torta Banana


5.Pollo Grill al Plato

Le pusimos arroz a nuestro pollo grill y quedó buenazo. Y tú, ¿ya lo probaste?

Available for a short time, McDonald's Peru shifted away from their classic burgers and fries and served up a chicken and rice dinner plate. The meal included seasoned rice, grilled chicken, french fries, and a side salad.

6.McFlurry Pirulin

7.McWrap La Clásica Gourmet

8.Pastel De Queso

9.Desayuno Tradicional


11.Yucca fries

Pide tu #McCombo con unas crocantes y deliciosas yuquitas. El acompañante perfecto de tu hamburguesa.

While it initially began as a quick fix to apotato shortagein Venezuela, fried yucca sounds prettttty good if you ask me.

12.Duplo Cheddar McMelt

13.Empanadas Con Queso

14.McPollo Italiano

15.Fried Chicken

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