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People Who Married Rich: Tell Us What Shocked You About Your New Family

This is a call to all the Tom Wambsganses out there.

If you grew up lower or middle class, you know that rich people live in an entirely different world.

So if you grew up without a lot of money but married rich, tell us: What do you want other people to know?

Maybe you learned that there's a whole different set of rules for rich people.

Maybe your new family ate certain foods that blew your mind, either because of their cost or because they were a little ~strange~.

Maybe you learned that money really can't buy happiness (or, maybe you learned that it actually can).

Whatever you learned that you want the world to know, we want to hear it! Leave your thoughts in the comments below, oruse this formif you'd like to stay anonymous. Your comments may be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post or video!
