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Tell Us About The Horror Movie Ending That Was So Incredible, It Shook You To Your Core

Because sometimes, there's nothing scarier than the credits.

Finding a truly great horror movie is one thing, but finding a truly great horror movie with an iconic ending that leaves you feeling ~some type of way~? There'sNOTHINGbetter!

So, with that in mind, what do you believe is the single most satisfying ending to a horror movie ever? One that shook you to your very CORE?

Maybe your favorite is an uplifting, badass ending wherein the final girl gets the last laugh — like inScream.

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Dimension Films /

Or perhaps your pick is a little more controversial — like the ending moments ofMidsommar.

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A24 /

Heck, maybe you prefer an ending involving a huge twist merged with a cliffhanger, like the mind-boggling ending ofUs.

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Universal Pictures /

Share the horror movie ending that you believe is the best of all time (and a little bit about what makes it so satisfying) in the comments below for a chance to be featured in an upcomingBuzzFeed Communitypost and/or video!
